- Nothing
- Leave healthcare alone it's fine the way it is
- Get a job/better job so you can get your own, or
- Anything is better than what HE is proposing, damn ______ (commie, Marxist, socialist, fascist, Nazi, Muslim or any other "derogatory" word you can think of but I won't print)
The "I hear Nothing,,,"
People in this category either are clueless or just don't care, they vote straight party line and are one issue voters. It's either anti-equality (specifically LGBT), anti-immigration or anti-abortion. No other issue(s) matter and how a candidate votes in regards to infrastructure, jobs, veteran issues, domestic and foreign policy is moot as long as the candidate vows to eliminate protections for one (or all of) the aforementioned issues. They will ignore their economic well-being to prove a point. This group tends to be in the a pro-Israel camp which can mis-align their views. They may vote for a pro-Israel candidate who is considered weak in support for other concerns.
As for alternatives they offer none as they have no opinion since it doesn't affect them. Either they have insurance or are a strong supporter of the Bush Jr. mindset from 2007:
"The immediate goal is to make sure there are more people on private insurance plans. I mean, people have access to health care in America," he said. "After all, you just go to an emergency room."If one remembers this is also "the plan" that Romney called being a form of socialism in 2007:
"Leave healthcare alone it's fine the way it is,,,"
This group is similar to the first group but realizes that there is a problem in regards to healthcare. Though not clueless per se they just don't have a full understanding of the issues as it has never affected them. In their mind universal healthcare was passed in 1986 with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) which requires hospitals to provide care to anyone needing emergency healthcare treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment under their own informed consent, after stabilization, or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.
This mindset is superbly echoed by Rick Perry in 2011:
,,,everyone in the state of Texas has access to health care, everyone in America has access to health care,,, from the stand point of all people in this country, our government requires that everyone is covered.What is at issue with this line of thinking, the ER does not provide preventive medicine, individuals (have to) wait until their illness, injury or sickness puts them in a life threatening situation. Instead of a $25 co-pay doctor's visit and a $10 prescription becomes a $5000+ emergency room bill and bankruptcy. Author and novelist Upton Sinclair sums this group up best, "It is difficult to get a politician to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
"Get a job/better job so you can get your own,,,"
I have a job, one that I like (for the most part). Actually I have two jobs and neither pays a "liveable" wage, hence why I also receive SNAP; I work 45-55 hours per week sometimes more. So even with the offer of health insurance from my primary employer, I can't afford it and the deductible is too high. I also qualify for Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities (MAWD), a health insurance program for working individuals with a disability. But again due to my low wages, paying my premium is difficult, why I had to return to my second job as I can no longer go without insurance. (This getting old shit is for the birds!)
Now some would say, "get a better job that pays more." Well considering that the "better paying jobs" where I live are manufacturing jobs, I run into the issue of my disability. I can no longer physically handle working in a factory. Also please define "better paying," as most of the peon line jobs pay $10-$12 per hour with starting pay at around $8.50. Losing 3 years seniority, schedule flexibility, and $30 a week in wages to start would be foolhardy. Also these "better paying jobs" are victim to lay-off; on average 3-4 months out of the year.
"Well move!" Uhm, need money to move, and given our economy jobs are not easy to come by despite the 3.9 million openings Republican Representative Dave Joyce asserts are available. I also live in a decent area in regards to cost of living. The $400 a month rent I pay for my apartment would not even rent me a room in Boston.
Why should I have to move away from "family" and friends to a place lacking in a proper support system., not only on a personal level but also in regards to my health. Changing medical providers is not an easy task. I do not drive, can't afford to, so would have to "hire" someone. So this "well move" solution is not a solution at all.
"Anything is better than what HE is proposing,,,"
This group IMHO is the funniest of them all and is currently being led by Heritage president and former South Carolina senator Jim DeMint:
DeMint said opponents don't have much time to try to make changes to the law before a March 2014 deadline for people to enroll. Benefits will kick in Jan. 1 for those who enroll earlier.Yet again the alternative to the Affordable Care Act is the emergency room of your local hospital, the so-called “free” care provided by (EMTALA). So if you have a chronic condition (diabetes, asthma, dialysis, cancer) with a need for medication or treatment, guess what your shit out of luck. Also, if your lacking in private insurance, good luck if you suffer a traumatic injury, a 2009 study shows that not all emergency room patients have equal outcomes. That's reassuring, NOT!!
"This might be that last off-ramp to stop Obamacare before it becomes more enmeshed in our culture," he said.
"This is not about getting better health care." DeMint said uninsured Americans "will get better health care just going to the emergency room."
What makes this such an oxymoron, the Heritage Foundation is now lambasting a plan they once advocated for and supported.
I believe that we have a responsibility to our fellow man and that we should help when and where we can: "We are all one. When one is harmed, all are harmed. When one is helped, all are healed." Healthcare is not a privilege for a wealthy few, but a basic right for all citizens. But according to the Reich only the top 1% deserve a chance at "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," for the rest of us it's a crap shoot at the ER . I know I would be willing to pay and extra fourteen cents for a pizza or sixty-eight cents for a BigMac, what about you?
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