Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Anti-gay US activist tells his radio listeners the Nazi Party began in a gay bar in Munich | Gay Star News

Fischer needs to get his head out of revisionist heaven and read something other than Scott Lively's book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, a book which has been thoroughly debunked and refuted by historian's. All one needs to do is read Richard Plant's The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals to understand the homophobia within the Nazi Party and the victimization of homosexuals as a whole.

What is astounding, he is repeating the same bullshit rhetoric he did back in 2011:
But none of these GOP hopefuls have challenged Fischer, who insists that Adolf Hitler and many of his storm troopers were gay. "So it was homosexual thugs that helped Hitler to form the Nazi Party," Fischer told a radio audience in June, adding that the party began "in a gay bar in Munich."

The truth is precisely the opposite, as historians such as Geoffrey Giles and William Spurlin have shown. Rather than coddling or encouraging gays, the Nazis banned homosexual activity as early as 1935. The following year, they established a "Central Office for Combating Abortion and Homosexuality."

Like the termination of pregnancies, the Nazis maintained, homosexuality would harm the health of the "Volk" -- that is, of the German people. Gays "undermine the natural will to life by propagating an aversion to marriage and the family," one Nazi author wrote in 1938.

Other Nazis worried that gays lacked the masculine virtues to defend the nation during wartime. "The new Germany has no use for criminals and weaklings, perverts and inverts, but requires instead straightforward and sincere manly souls," one propagandist wrote, "and so we must combat homosexuality with the means available to us -- education, observation, the law, the police, and the courts."

And so they did. Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis arrested roughly 100,000 men as homosexuals. Most convicted gays were sent to prison; between 5,000 and 15,000 were interned in concentration camps, where they wore pink triangles to signify their supposed crime.
Zimmerman goes on to say:
"One should not tolerate homosexuality," Hitler told his aide, Joseph Goebbels. "The National Socialist state must be a manly state."

Before Hitler came to power, ironically, German socialists and communists tried to demean the Nazis by suggesting they were gay. The idea was picked up by the U.S. military during World War II, when American propaganda posters showed blond Nazi soldiers winking at each other.

And today, it's mouthed by the likes of Bryan Fischer. Seventy years ago we used anti-gay prejudice to discredit Nazism. Now Fischer is trying to use our hatred of Nazism to discredit gays.
Anti-gay US activist tells his radio listeners the Nazi Party began in a gay bar in Munich | Gay Star News

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