Saturday, January 25, 2014

HamOnNye Pre-Debate Coverage: Interview with Ken Ham

When this debacle (err debate) was first announced earlier in the month, first thing out of my fingers, "Bad move on Nye's part, the legitimacy issue is is why Dawkins will not debate creationists as well: "‘See, I debated a prominent scientist; I must be taken seriously now.’" Hell no!!

Yea well, seems my worst nightmare is coming true,,,

",,,The fact that the world’s media have been reporting on this debate suggests that we have a wonderful opportunity to present the creationist message to people around the globe, most of whom have never heard the case against evolution and the evidence that confirms creation."

",,,I hope my debate with Mr. Nye will create a bigger spotlight on the whole creation vs. evolution debate and to the Word of God and its gospel message. The debate will help point out that there is significant dissent in the scientific community about whether or not molecules-to-man evolution is a true explanation of origins,,,"

",,,What is wrong with presenting people both sides of an issue, and encouraging students to think critically about origins? Secularists have been able to pass legislation that protects the teaching of atheistic evolution (atheism is naturalism) in the public school systems. As I have personally seen time and time again, this has great consequences on the lives of students. If these young people believe they are only animals and that there is no God, then who determines right and wrong? What is the purpose and meaning of life? Surely students have a right to be allowed to think critically about an issue that affects their whole view of life?"

The "problem" as I see it, once the debate is over, the only thing we will be hearing from the Creation Museum, is how the debate took place at all. It legitimizes their view that there is evidence of creation, that creationism is an accepted or acceptable alternative, and it lumps evolutionary theory in with the pogroms of Hitler, Stalin and Lenin to name a few.

HamOnNye Pre-Debate Coverage: Interview with Ken Ham

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