Thursday, February 13, 2014

Atheists vow to fight monument rejection in Levy County, Fla. - The Washington Post

Local officials in Florida this week rejected an atheist monument proposed for a courthouse lawn, another example of the hurdles religious minorities will face as they continue to press for equal access to displays on public lands.

Commissioners in Levy County, along the Gulf Coast of Florida, rejected an application filed by local atheists for the placement of a 1,500-pound granite bench adorned with quotes on the courthouse lawn in Bronson.

In this case, county commissioners rejected the monument because its engraved quotes — from Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and American Atheists founder Madalyn Murray O’Hair, were “incomplete,” according to the commission’s report.

“None of the texts on the proposed monument appear to be a reproduction of the entire text of any document or person, as required in the (county) guidelines,” the report states.

Charles Ray Sparrow, a member of Williston Atheists, a group of about a dozen nonbelievers that applied for the monument in January, said such objections were not raised for the Ten Commandments monument.

Atheists vow to fight monument rejection in Levy County, Fla. - The Washington Post

See also: 
Over at the Friendly Atheist the comments section is very lively. Members of the Williston Atheists joined the conversation answering questions and concerns.
The statement by Moody about our application being incomplete was not correct. They made it plain that the inscriptions and text on the monument was "incomplete" and we were not a "legitimate organization". Excuses.

[T]hat is EXACTLY why we DID get copies to make sure they HAD file an application. We very much considered the thought that they may have been a green light without it. Of course, their application was approved unanimously with no discussion.

My question to the Board when they said that we did not include the "full documents from which the quotes on our monuments were taken" was to ask them from which of the thousands of bibles FULL texts were they going to require the applicants who placed the ten commandments monument to use in order to have THE FULL DOCUMENT put on their monument? Of course, I did not get any answers. And in answer to the woman who claimed their monument was NOT religious I asked how that could be when it came straight from the OLD TESTAMENT of their BIBLE!! Not religious?? Coulda fooled me.

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