Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Say "No" to eulogizing Charles Darwin and evolution | No Darwin Day!

This is just so wrong. Every fallacy in the arsenal is present and all because of this, "Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) re-introduced the “Darwin Day” resolution on the House floor Wednesday, advancing a proposal to designate British naturalist Charles Darwin’s Feb. 12 birthday as a day of recognition for 'the importance of science in the betterment of humanity.'"
Why are the atheists asking the government to endorse something that is so blatantly wrong and obviously a bait and switch tactic? What’s at stake? There are only two views of how the universe, the world and you and I came to be. Either it was created or it evolved. This is a philosophical debate—ultimately, it’s not really about the science. The constitution calls for the state not to be involved in the establishment of any religion—yet a mandated religious view is being proposed.

This has led to much of the moral decay we see in society. So, let the debate really be about science and let’s see who is really teaching it badly. Such teachings have had disastrous consequences on individuals and our societies including promoting euthanasia—and the abortion of millions of innocent unborn children because of the faulty evolutionary belief that they are not yet fully human. Worse still, even President Obama has agreed with arguably the world’s most radical bioethicist/eugenicist, Peter Singer, that infanticide (killing children after they are born) should be legal. If one is old, handicapped or just unwanted—one is not safe anymore.

How would you feel about possibly being forced to take a public holiday to celebrate Darwin and endorse evolution? It’s already happening in the UK! If we allow this to happen any criticism of evolution will not be tolerated. This brainwashing will increasingly create a moral vacuum in our culture. So much for the scientific method of critiquing any hypothesis! Such censorship is authoritarian, and similar regimes with this evolutionary atheism at its core are responsible for more deaths in the last century than in all of the recorded religious wars in history. This is an attack on free speech and our constitutional rights. There is already ample evidence that shows the discrimination against any scientist who does not hold to an evolutionary worldview. What is happening to our great democracies?
What I find strange, off to the left they have a page labeled "Famous scientists who believe in creation." When you follow the link it leads you to a list off maybe 100-130 "scientists." Take a look, all I'm gonna say.

Say "No" to eulogizing Charles Darwin and evolution | No Darwin Day!

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