Friday, February 14, 2014

Why Are So Many Pastors 'Coming Out of the Closet' as Atheists?

Yep you're closed minded,,,

If you are a pastor doubting your faith, atheist Richard Dawkins is willing to foot the bill to get you out of the pulpit and on your way to a brand new career. Dawkins’ organization, along with the Freedom From Religion Foundation, are the main sponsors of a secret initiative called the Clergy Project.

The Clergy Project claims to provide a “safe haven for active and former professional clergy/religious leaders who do not hold supernatural beliefs.” Its aim is to “help clergy who want to leave the ministry.”

Dawkins welcomes these doubting pastors to a “friendly place where you can take your time before deciding how to extricate yourself and when you will feel yourself ready to stand up and face the cool, refreshing wind of truth.”

Supporters of this project believe they are making an investment “in the next great leaders of the free thought movement because of the incredible skills such as community building, support, and management that these clergy-persons bring with them.”

That’s right, atheists are going after weak pastors in hopes of getting them out of the closet and turning them into the next poster child for godlessness.


1. I’ve been taught to Keep a closed mind.
Open-mindedness is celebrated as an enlightened virtue, one that should be embraced at all times towards all things. Yes, there are a multitude of things that I do not know, and I am very much open to learning. I love the art of discovery, as all God’s children should,,,

I have personally tasted and seen that the Lord is good. I have encountered His presence and can now testify of that which I have seen with my eyes and heard with my ears. I have no doubt. My faith is set. My mind is made up.

2. I’ve been taught that this is a call, not a career.
I can take you to the square footage of carpet that I first heard His call. It was real, it was powerful, and it was life-changing. This call is not something that I chose; it chose me. He called; I surrendered. Every minister must have this moment.

I’ve been challenged by my spiritual fathers that if you can imagine yourself doing anything else other than the ministry, chances are you are not called to it. Harsh? Not at all.

3. I’ve been taught to stay in the closet.
This is paramount! The world may be moved by those who come out of the closet, but the kingdom is moved by those who go into the closet,,,Interestingly, Dawkins has helped create a worldly secret place where weak and weary worshippers can go and encourage one another in their doubts. Thankfully, I have my own secret place where this weak and weary warrior can go and be encouraged in God’s truth. I’m not coming out!

Why Are So Many Pastors 'Coming Out of the Closet' as Atheists?

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