Thursday, May 15, 2014

Irony Is Dead – Catholics Demand Exorcism Because of Fears of Superstition » A Million Gods

An addendum of sorts, and an interesting point about pica is brought up,,,
Even the first murder in the Bible was a product of rage and jealousy. Of hard work being unrecognised and forsaken and the capricious nature of Jehovah lead Cain to murder Abel out of greed and anger. The other joke here is that evil never really existed. And it wasn’t Satan who caused evil to come into the world.

But man acquiring knowledge which gave him the capacity to see evil. Which means Evil Existed, We just never noticed it. In the same way that we see a pretty garden. Not a murder machine of weeds and pests. Evil is in the perspective. It is why devout jains sweep their path with feathers. Because to crush an ant is nothing to you, but a great evil to the ant.

That is a more thought out and measured and sensible approach to life than “It was magical beings that made me do it. That is a childish approach to morality. By claiming that evil came from a literal scape goat which could be yelled at. In this true social evils can never be fought effectively because rather than deal with causes, this attitude deals with splashing water on things and reciting incantations in Latin.
Irony Is Dead – Catholics Demand Exorcism Because of Fears of Superstition » A Million Gods

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