Friday, May 23, 2014

Raëlian UFO cult responds to Pope Francis’s statement on alien baptisms | WORLD CULT WATCH

Just bizarre,,,

So we have Pope Francis who says he will baptize aliens. The “Who are we to close the doors to the Holy Spirit?" schtick. But the Raelians want to baptize the Pope instead:
Upon hearing that Pope Francis said he would welcome aliens at the Vatican and even baptize them, the spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement has issued a correction.
“There will be no need to baptize those he calls “aliens” when they decide to come back,” Rael said in a statement released today by the IRM. “They are the ones who created all religions on Earth, and they were mistakenly taken for gods. Instead of offering them baptism, the pope will have to acknowledge that they are the gods he has been praying to all along.”
IRM spokesperson Brigitte Boisselier, Ph.D, explained that according to Raelian philosophy, all forms of life on Earth were created by the Elohim, highly advanced human beings from another planet.
“They came from another planet and made us in their image,” she said. “The original, Hebrew Bible clearly states that ‘Elohim’ created life on Earth, but this word ‘Elohim’ is in the plural form, not the singular. It means ‘those who came from the sky.’ It was later mistranslated into the singular form, ‘god,’ which led to monotheist religions like Catholicism.” (Uhm no!! For a good take down of Elohim being plural give this a read.)
According to Vice, in a conversation with Ricky Roehr, the North American leader of the Raëlian Movement:
A few hours after we got off the phone, Roehr, with great urgency, called me back.

“I just want to make sure to add that when the extraterrestrials arrive, we, the Raëlian Movement, would be happy to baptize the Pope,” he said. “Because when the extraterrestrials come back, the Pope will then understand who the god of the Bible really was. Or is.”
Raëlian UFO cult responds to Pope Francis’s statement on alien baptisms | WORLD CULT WATCH

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