Monday, June 2, 2014

No Eden: Atheist group takes on religious-themed public garden | Fox News

"Garrett Smith, a member of the Shepherd’s Garden Foundation, said they were aware this might cause an issue when they applied for the grant."
So, if y'all knew it might be an issue, why even apply for the grant? Could it be that the fastest way to raise money you dont have is to a) create a fake controversy and b) when called to task for violations, claim "Christian" persecution thereby garnering support and filling the coffers with greenbacks?
A park planned in Sioux City is getting national attention.

The Shepherd’s Garden, a Christian-themed park, was recently was awarded $140,000 from the state through a Vision Iowa grant. It’s meant to “assist projects that will provide recreational, cultural, entertainment and educational attractions.” The money would go towards building and planting green spaces in the park, but not for any religious symbols.

But the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation is fighting the funding, saying using public money to promote Christian ideals violates the First Amendment of the Constitution. What's more, according to the foundation, the grant would violate Iowa's own constitution, which “prohibits funding of religious spaces.”

The Shepherd’s Garden fundraising brochure quotes Psalm 23 as a guide for the park and invites donors to “create a legacy to the ongoing role the Christian faith has had in shaping the life of this community.”

The garden’s brochure goes on to say, “Shepherd’s Garden is more than a park, it has been conceived and designed to be a visible reminder that God’s presence is not confined to sacred institutions and buildings, but is very much a part of the public sphere.”

Garrett Smith, a member of the Shepherd’s Garden Foundation, said they were aware this might cause an issue when they applied for the grant.

No Eden: Atheist group takes on religious-themed public garden | Fox News

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