Sunday, June 22, 2014

Renew America Pundit Thinks Obama Will Round Up Critics And Put Them In Camps | Right Wing Watch

So I take it that this idea of President Obama using "re-education camps" is a "new" Reich talking point. This is the third posting this month concerning this meme, accusations that "President Obama [is] trying to overturn the First Amendment, round up political foes and introduce communism."
Those who oppose the redefinition of marriage are sent to "sensitivity training," which in Communist-led countries means "Re-education camps." Those who dissent in any way are required to submit to "Psychological Evaluation." In Communist countries, Christians and anyone who opposes government are sent to insane asylums.

So, what do we do when U.S. citizens begin to be rounded up and detained over "controversial" Facebook posts about the President? What are we supposed to do when the government equates disapproval of a President with a conspiracy to overthrow the government?
Last I looked Ted "the shit my pants draft dodger" Nugent  is still walking around freely as is Sam Koivisto and Denise Helms  Regretfully Miles sees Communists and the homosexual lobby in anything he doesn't agree with

Renew America Pundit Thinks Obama Will Round Up Critics And Put Them In Camps | Right Wing Watch

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