Sunday, July 13, 2014

ADDENDUM::So, I just had to do a we bit more digging

So the initial posting mentions Michele Bachmann whom we all know and love (unless you been living in a cave) and Bradlee Dean, whom I have posted about before. 

My "history" with Dean goes back to the mid-90s when he broke into the Christian "spreechting" circuit after founding the non-profit Christian organization "You Can Run, But You Cannot Hide International," a highly controversial youth speaking organization.  Again unless you have purposefully been avoiding the news, you are at least aware of his antics.  He is pails with Bachmann (or was, that seems to have cooled off some) but his most famous brainfart, being the dumb ass who attempted and failed miserably at suing Rachel Maddow, PhD. Political Science and Rhodes Scholar, for quoting him directly. He currently has a writing gig with WorldNuttersDialy.

There is enough information out there on the interwebs about both Bachmann and Dean to make re-hashing a tedious and boring job.  What I want to focus on, or maybe I should say, what  I'm being compelled to focus on, is Bob Frey and his unusual connections and source of his stupidity.

The following is culled from New Bluestem Prairie, a progressive site out of Minnesota.

Some background,,,
Long an associate of anti-sodomy crusader Representative Glenn Gruenhagen, Frey serves as Gruenhagen's campaign committee chair.  Gruenhagen and Frey led Citizens For Academic Excellence, a group that fretted about historical documents being altered and the evils of school-to-work, multiculturalism, diversity and violence prevention.

His son Mike Frey, pastor of the Northern Light Baptist Church, serves as Frey's campaign committee chair; the pastor testified against marriage equality last year in testimony called "outrageously inaccurate" by the Huffington Post.

,,,He believes in God-given inalienable rights to individuals, freedom with the responsibility to protect it, a Constitutional Republic form of government, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Minnesota, and the Republican Platform.

“There are assaults taking place on our children, families, and businesses, by the progressive left that needs to stop. It’s time for me to elevate the fight and do my part for Carver County and my family,” said Frey,,,
Here's the interesting crazy stuff,,,
Bluestem has been sent a video file of "Sodomy, Health, Money, and HF826" created by the Pro-Marriage Amendment Forum. The PMA Forum is a group created in 2012 by representative Gruenhagen and his "ex-gay" gay friend Kevin Petersen.

According to our source, who lives in the district, candidate Bob Frey is distributing a PMA Forum DVD that repeats much of the same content against "sodomy" from Mike Frey's [testimony on marriage equality] . 
An excerpt and the full video is available at Bluestem.  I would suggest the excerpt as the full version may destroy any remaining functioning brain cells you may have.  Yes it is that bad, think the Regnerus Study (which by the way is in the news again!!)]

The video,,,
In the forty-minute video, the speaker repeats many claims from Mike Frey's 2013 testimony to the (see below) about the messy mechanics of "sodomy" and the menace he perceived stemming from it, then moves to accusations that the anti-bullying bill is part of a plot on the part of "elites" to promote infect children with AIDS for the profit of doctors and the drug industry.
Where does Frey's pastor son fit into this crazy mix? [Not so crazy if you look at it through the lens of dominionism; convoluted may be a better term.]

Ignoring the younger Frey's inane testimony for the moment, consider this, "City Pages linked the younger Frey to a Carver County Church in Waconia,,, and Bluestem connected the church that PLANTED  Frey [First Baptist Church in Rosemount via the Baptist Church Planting Ministry],,, to anti-marriage equality campaigns [the Minnesota Family Council's Marriage Protection Fund] in "Church that planted Mike Frey in Waconia gave $5,000 to MFC Marriage Protection Fund in 2012.""

 What my conspiratorial, dominionist obsessed, mind is thinking,,,

"Planted" or "church planting" is an interesting term/concept.  Now not knowing the full background of Frey's church, "a young church," according to their website.  I am hesitant of comparing it to the dominionist idea of "steeplejacking".  The attacking or the literal hijacking of mainstream churches in order to eliminate progressive voices in mainline denominations.  But it does make me wonder.

If you look at the biblical rationale behind the "planting" ministry, the Great Commission and Paul's example at Ephesus, you may see a similarity.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20, NIV)

"Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God.  But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Paul left them. He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.  This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord. (Acts 19:8-10, NIV)
One of the foundations of dominionist ideology is Mathew 28:18, “Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ,,, [t]hat’s what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less…"

What is interesting to note, Earl Jessup, the founder of Baptist Church Planting Ministry, "chose to resign and expand his ministry in church planting.  In August of 1993, Dr. Jessup founded Baptist Church Planting Ministry and is currently the General Director."   According to Theocracy Watch, 1991-1993 were pivotal years in the Reich's takeover of the GOP.

Remember this, ",,,[w]hat the Christian right spends a lot of time doing," says Marc Wolin, a moderate Republican who ran unsuccessfully for Congress from San Francisco last year, "is going after obscure party posts. They try to control the party apparatus in each county. We have a lot to fear from these people. They want to set up a theocracy in America."

Sounds a lot like what "church planting" is all about.

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