Monday, July 14, 2014

Mark Your Calendars! It's Swastika Rehabilitation Week!

Although their intentions may be good and many see Raelians as a benign group, SPLC's "Hatewatch" offers a differing view on the group:
The Raelians’ attempts to “re-educate” Westerners about the swastika’s true meaning may be innocent, but its other rhetoric about religion – particularly Catholicism – is anything but. In 2002, while the group was based in Quebec, its members responded to sex scandals within the Church by encouraging Catholic high school students to renounce their faith and burn small wooden crosses in protest. The group also operates a website called NoPedo, which urges parents to “Protect your children from pedophilia: Stop sending them to catechism.”

The site also says that “Rael’s Girls” – described somewhat coyly as “women from the ‘Raelian Movement,’ who either work in the SEX Industry themselves or are Raelian Women who wish only to offer their support to the SEX Industry” – “are offering their experience in the sex industry to organize seminars for the Catholic Priests who want to rediscover a harmonious sexuality and to help cure thousands of them who are molesting or are about to molest young children.”
,,,a UFO group called the Raelian International Movement is spending a whole week trying to rehabilitate the controversial image.

Swastika Rehabilitation Week officially began Saturday and runs through July 12.

The group claims it wants to change the image of the swastika from one representing genocide and racism to its ancient meaning of well-being and good luck.

Thomas Kaenzig, the head swastika rehabilitator, believes that the symbol was given to humans by the Elohim, a group of extraterrestrial scientists who created all of humankind.

"The swastika appears in ancient cultures all over the world," Kaenzig told The Huffington Post. "How can it be found everywhere despite these cultures having no contact with each other unless the Elohim were involved?"

He said it's the only way to show the Elohim that humans have evolved enough to accept them.

"Before they can come back, we need to make sure the symbol is rehabilitated," he said.

Mark Your Calendars! It's Swastika Rehabilitation Week!

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