Sunday, July 13, 2014

Texas Values' Jonathan Saenz: Gay Activists Are Trying To "Put People In Jail" | Blog | Media Matters for America

Texas Values president Jonathan Saenz agreed with a right-wing radio host that gay activists are trying to put Christians in concentration camps, asserting that the gay rights movement wants "to put people in jail" if they disagree with marriage equality and "the homosexual lifestyle."

In a June 20 interview with Raging Elephants Radio, Saenz condemned a recent Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruling affirming that a Denver-area baker had violated the state's non-discrimination law by refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex couple. Host Claver Kamau-Imani asked Saenz whether the ruling was tantamount to sending the baker to a "concentration camp." Saenz agreed, asserting that there's "no question" gay rights supporters ultimately aim to imprison opponents of LGBT equality:

This isn't the first time Saenz has resorted to extreme rhetoric to attack LGBT equality. A prominent opponent of local efforts to combat anti-LGBT discrimination in Texas, Saenz has also predicted "polygamy and polyandry" and marriage between step-parents and step-children as a result of marriage equality. A vocal proponent of discredited "ex-gay" therapy programs, his solution to the problem that gay people exist is telling them that "it's never too late" for them to "change."

Texas Values' Jonathan Saenz: Gay Activists Are Trying To "Put People In Jail" | Blog | Media Matters for America

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