Thursday, July 24, 2014

UPDATE::100 AIDS experts did not die in MH17 crash in Ukraine after all | Gay Star News

Still a travesty no matter how one looks at it. For what goal,? What cause was advanced by this act. I just don't get it.
Reports that around 100 people on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 were traveling to the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne appear to have been the result of a rumor that spread in the absence of the airline making public the passenger list for the flight.

At least seven leading HIV experts were killed when the plane was brought down over a rebel held area of the Ukraine but the figure of 100, sometimes given as 108, dead who were traveling to the conference is now known to be incorrect.

The number began spreading among attendees at the conference who began sharing it on social media, and it was then picked up by the media.

100 AIDS experts did not die in MH17 crash in Ukraine after all | Gay Star News

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