Sunday, August 17, 2014

The 'Ex-Gay' Movement's Dangerous New Myths | The Bilerico Project

In the past few years, as the "ex-gay" movement has sputtered and died, many within that movement -- and some of their religiously conservative supporters -- have begun pushing some ideas to get lesbians and gays to stop having sex. Or more specifically, get lesbians and gays to stop having, well, gay sex.

Matt Moore, who was part of the "ex-gay" movement (and then got caught with a Grindr account), has stopped saying that gays can be cured... except if God makes it happen. Somehow. He occasionally writes for the virulently anti-LGBT website, run by hate group leader Matt Barber. Mr. Moore is now pushing the "celibate gay" narrative.

He isn't the only one: institutions like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) have tried to soften their image by changing their stance on "same-sex attraction": it may not be "curable," they now say, but lesbians and gays are welcome to join if they stay celibate or marry members of the opposite sex.

Not only are these narratives completely impractical, they are incredibly damaging on so many levels.

In one of Mr. Moore's most recent articles, he used the word "sin" no less than 22 times in 924 words. That works out to once every other sentence or so. Obsessing over how nasty, wicked, disgusting, and abominable you are can't be healthy. Trust me: been there, done that, got the refrigerator magnet at the end of therapy. If you feel like you have to choose between being Christian and being gay, you don't -- there are plenty of Christian denominations that accept gay people, celibate or not.

The 'Ex-Gay' Movement's Dangerous New Myths | The Bilerico Project

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