Saturday, October 4, 2014

What About Ex-Ex-Gays?

Here is what I do onot "get."  Every day there is some religionists spouting off on how bad it is to a "homo, homo-sexual."  That "we" need to be rounded up in some fashion.  But yet when some big-wig preacher man screws up, the canard is "must pray for our fallen brethren and restore him to his money making glory." As "mild" as Brown's diatribe is, he is still lending words of condemnation against a segment of humanity that is then twisted by his flock.  His silence in not rebuking the hatred spewed by his "brethren" speak much louder than the crap written here, his hypocrisy is deafening.
Do these significant failures demonstrate that change in sexual orientation is impossible? Certainly not.

First, for every well-known ex-ex-gay, there are 10 or 100 or 1,000 unknown ex-gays—meaning people who formerly lived as homosexuals but no longer do. Only God knows their numbers, but I run into them all the time, often smiling broadly as they share their stories with me after hearing me speak at a meeting.
Second, the term "ex-gay" has lots of different meanings (some leaders like the term, while others don't), ranging from, "I used to be involved in same-sex relationships, and I am no longer am," to, "My romantic and sexual desires have changed from homosexual to heterosexual," along with everything in between.
Third, there are often other factors involved in a person's failure to change, and it would be wrong to make generalizations based on their personal stories, even if they have much in common.
Fourth, plenty of people are not happy living as homosexuals, be it because of their spiritual convictions or because of relational or health issues. (For a recent documentary sharing powerful testimonies, see For Such Were Some of You.)
Fifth, we need to emphasize holiness more than heterosexuality. As one former lesbian remarked, "God never said, 'Be thou heterosexual for I the Lord thy God am heterosexual,' but rather, 'Be thou holy for I the Lord thy God am holy.'"
Sixth, human nature is frail and homosexual attractions are often very deeply rooted, to the point that people believe they were actually born gay.

What About Ex-Ex-Gays?

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