Sunday, December 21, 2014

ADDENDUM::Scott Lively: Homosexuality Is Worse Than Murder | Right Wing Watch

As I figured, Lively did go there with the Noah reference, according to Right Wing Watch. These guys are getting so predictable but yet dangerous at the same time.

I have mentioned the Diane Benscoter's TEDTalk numerous times as well as the "Us vs Them" mentality. Minus the specific link to the Nephilim, it also holds for the "general" End-Times garbage many within the Dominionist realm hold.
,,,[a]nd the most dangerous part of this is that is creates "us" and "them," "right" and "wrong," "good" and "evil." And it makes anything possible. Makes anything rationalizable.
In a blog post Benscoter talks further in regards to memeplexes.
This concept gives us a means to view, from an evolutionary perspective, how and why we have tended to clump together into groups with highly polarized ideologies. We can start to understand the pull to view the world from a “Us” versus “Them” perspective,,,.
Rationalizing his hatred and creating polarized groups is exactly what Lively is doing.
Lively said that homosexuality is a Satanic attack “on the very essence of who we are” that God has deemed a more offensive abomination than mass killings: “When you look in the Bible, there are sins that you would think of as worse, you know, murder or mass murder, but what does it come down to? Leviticus 18 tells the Hebrews exactly what it is that God identifies as the most rebellious behavior, the behavior that causes the land to actually vomit out its inhabitants and every item on that list, except for child sacrifice, is sexual perversion, and child sacrifice is often a form of sexual perversion. So that’s where we are.”

“Homosexuality is not just another sin,” he added, “it is the sin that defines rebellion against God, the outer edge of rebellion against God and it is the harbinger of God’s wrath, that’s why the Scripture gives the warning, ‘as in the days of Noah.’”
Scott Lively: Homosexuality Is Worse Than Murder | Right Wing Watch

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