Saturday, December 6, 2014

The wacky wacky Reich,,,

Rafael Cruz: The Poor Man's David Barton
The Sunday before the midterm elections, Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz, spoke at John Hagee's church in San Antonio, Texas, where he spent an entire hour delivering a speech that was literally little more than an amalgamation of material that he has directly pilfered from other Religious Right speakers, most notably pseudo-historian David Barton.

As we have noted before, the elder Cruz is quite fond of lifting Barton's misinformation about American history and the Constitution and passing it along during his own presentations, but the speech he delivered at Hagee's church was quite remarkable for just how much of it was simply a rehashing of Barton's standard presentation.

Cruz's presentation was such a wholesale rip-off that he even managed to work in Barton's false claim that the Supreme Court banned school-sponsored Bible reading in public schools because it could cause brain damage:
Fischer Proposes Religious Right Conclave To Pick The Next GOP Presidential Nominee
On his radio broadcast today, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer called for Religious Right leaders to gather together for what would amount to a political papal conclave designed to pick the next Republican presidential nominee.

Worrying that the Religious Right may have too many excellent choices among the crop of 2016 GOP presidential hopefuls and may end up diluting its power by splitting its support among various candidates as a result, Fischer suggested that Religious Right leaders ought to organize a summit where they would all gather and relentlessly "grill [the candidates] one after another."
"It's kind of like picking a Pope," he said,,,
Wondering what exactly a "homosexual book " is,,,
MassResistance: Gays Seek To 'Criminalize Christian Belief' And 'Homosexualize Children
The anti-LGBT group MassResistance is upset with companies like Staples and CVS for sponsoring an upcoming Human Rights Campaign fundraiser, and is accusing the businesses of supporting the criminalization of Christianity.

“Most people don’t know that major corporations in America are funding the massive push to introduce homosexuality and transgenderism into the elementary school grades, pass laws across the country to criminalize Christian belief in the workplace, force ‘gay marriage’ through the federal courts, viciously harass pro-family groups, and much more,” the group said in a statement on Sunday.

Before asking conservatives to contact HRC’s donors, MassResistance warns parents to fear the day “when your child comes home from school reading homosexual books.”
Daubenmire: Christians Can Never Compromise On Allowing Gays To 'Come Out Of The Closet'
As Daubenmire explained, once Christians compromised on God's standard of "no homosexuality [and] sodomy is a crime" by agreeing to allow gay people to "come out of the closet and be recognized," it became impossible to stop gay marriage.

"The church is rot with compromise," Daubenmire said. "Values we used to stand for we now compromise because why? We think maybe God was a little bit crazy back in those old days when he made some of those rules ... Compromise isn't a good thing. How do we know that? Because the Lord himself said, 'I change not. I'm the same yesterday, today, and forever.' He is a solid rock. He doesn't compromise. And neither should we on values that matter. Compromise is deadly, folks."
When Evangelicals Got Standing Ovations at the Vatican 
This week, Pope Francis welcomed an ecumenical (“Humanum”) gathering discussing the significance of the complementarity between men and women for our lives and the future of marriage and the family. Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, was among those in attendance. In an interview with National Review Online, he shares some insights on the discussions — including the warm welcome a number of evangelicals received there.

Q:  It seems difficult if not near impossible these days to talk about men and women and marriage without sounding like you’re excluding those who are attracted to the same sex. Is it in fact an impossible task?

A: I believe this is why the focus of the colloquium was on “The Complementarity of Man and Woman.” It is not that religious groups or groups in society are excluding particular individuals; it is that those who reject such complementarity are essentially excluding themselves from this divine and natural reality.

Q: When you talk about a natural order, isn’t there a danger of making it seem some are unnatural? That could seem the case with those with same-sex attraction and those who are not married.

A: When it comes to marriage it is contrary to nature.

Q: It still escapes a lot of people why same-sex marriage is a threat to any man and woman’s marriage or marriage itself. If marriage and family are in crisis, why not open it up to more?

A: The crisis in marriage has grown in proportion to the degree to which society has allowed it to deviate from what it was designed to be, a life-long monogamous relationship between one man and one woman.
Texas Approves Textbooks With Moses As Honorary Founding Father
The Texas State Board of Education approved several dozen social studies textbooks after a contentious battle over their treatment of subjects including climate change, the role of slavery in the Civil War, Islam, and biblical influence in America’s founding. One major publisher, however, withdrew a book from consideration, saying that it was unable to meet all the standards set by the school board.

The Texas Freedom Network, which live-blogged today’s vote, said that much problematic material had been removed from the proposed textbooks, including climate denial and “offensive cartoons comparing beneficiaries of affirmative action to space aliens,” but that references to Moses as an influence on the Constitution and the Old Testament as the root of democracy remained. But TFN notes that publishers posted a number of last-minute changes to the textbooks yesterday, leaving board members and observers without time to figure out exactly what was in the approved texts:
One of America's most anti-gay organizations rallies for the Duggars; because of course they would
Over the past few years, TV's Duggar family has gone from reality television personalities who mostly keep their political lives separate from their public personas to a family that proudly pushes its beliefs into public policy. Eldest son Josh took a job with the extremely anti-LGBT and political Family Research Council, where he claims his lesbian aunt is "choosing a lifestyle" and leads rallies opposing marriage equality. Mom Michele has recorded robocalls advocating against LGBT nondiscrimination laws. And recently, when the family asked married couples to post photos of them kissing, the Duggars deleted any same-sex married couples who tried to participate. To name just a handful of the family's anti-gay activities (they also regularly show up at anti-LGBT conferences, campaign for anti-LGBT politicians, etc.).

Now the American Family Association, an organization that was founded on proud discrimination and that currently employs a chief analyst whose rabid comment bank is so unbelievable that the average person would probably assume its fiction, is rising to the family's defense.
Because of their uncompromising stand on marriage and abstinence, the homosexual lobby has drawn a bully bead on Jim and Michelle Duggar. Gay activists are publicly labeling Jim and Michelle with words like “ignorance” and “fear mongering.”
WND Editor: Obama Has 'The Kind Of Thinking That Led To The Gas Chambers'
WorldNetDaily founder and editor Joseph Farah writes today that President Obama “appears to be doing everything in his power to spread the Ebola virus” as part of a nefarious plan to grow the size of government.

Farah claims that Obama’s “evil nature” comes from “the satanic death cult euphemistically called ‘progressivism,’” which he says is based on the Cloward-Piven strategy.

“It’s the kind of thinking that led to the gas chambers,” Farah writes. “It’s the kind of thinking that led to the gulags. It’s the kind of thinking that led to the guillotines.”

According to Farah, Obama has launched a “Cloward-Piven-Ebola Strategy” in which he hopes that more people will contract Ebola in order to justify government expansion.

Since there are exactly zero people in the U.S. who have Ebola, Obama must be doing a pretty bad job of it!

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