Coming into the new year, there are many things I hope to accomplish. Besides my personal goals for this blog, recent events have shown that the Reich's message and agenda is overpowering and dismantling much of what we as a country hold dear. Too many are blinded by the propaganda that spews forth on a daily basis. It is with great hope, coming into the 2016 election cycle, that those of us that blog independently will be able to collectively bring to light the asshatery being put forth by the extreme right.
Education is being dismantled, and I am not talking Common Core - from the Texas textbook fiasco to the deliberate underfunding taking place in places like Kansas and Pennsylvania. The charter school program is being exposed for what it really is.
Women's healthcare is under attack whether it be preventative measures (availability of contraceptives) or pregnancy termination (abortion). And yes "legitimate rape" reared its ugly head yet again. The drive for "fetal heartbeat" legislation pushing the agenda, as well as repealing the ACA. With the house and senate now controlled by the repuglicans, the battle will rage on.
We have also seen LGBT issues and marriage equality make great strides but being targeted on many fronts under the guise of "religious liberty." The Nazification of the "gay agenda" (whatever that may be) by the likes of Peter LaBarbera, Bryan Fischer, Tony Perkins et al is going to get worse. These individuals and many like them need to be exposed for the bigots they are.
So much has happened in the past year it was difficult to keep up. With planes disappearing, Putin one minute being a "knight in shinning armor" and then not to North Korea and China testing the world stage, there was much to cover. We discovered that Racism never really disappeared and some of our police forces have more military equipment than the military.
I don't foresee any of this changing in the next year, it is why I do what I do. Hopefully myself and other bloggers can keep you informed with our biased opinions. That being said, how did we do,,,
- Personally I wanted to hit 100,000 page views and 2000 posts, we almost made it my dear readers. Had I not lost 10 weeks to personal stuff that mark would have been reached - this year I want 300,000 views (currently 93,303) and 3000 postings (currently 3329).
- I have decided not to syndicate as I discovered I do not write well on a deadline and I am usually a day late-dollar short on "current events." I work full-time outside of my home and some days I just don't have the time. But I am still open for anyone who would like to be a featured guest blogger.
- We did gain two followers which is "way kewl." Maybe with some luck we can double that this year.
- "Remnants of the day" gave way to watching the crazies via Right Wing Watch. I am going to tweak that a bit and attempt to continue both. I have subject matter that I focus on daily and miss "other" news but found that some of my highest posting visits where to "Remnants."
- I will again focus on LGBT issues intertwined with the religious liberty bullshit or the "right to discriminate."
- I will continue to focus on "hate" crimes caused by the Reich's agenda.
- Issues with law enforcement is currently at the fore with numerous cases making headlines.
- Exposing religious abuse to children (pedophile priests and those that abuse their religious standing).
- The 2016 elections are ramping up with 14 possible Reichwing candidates.
- I will also be focusing a bit more on "fringe" topics. There is some crazy End-Times/prophecy bullshit that is supposed to come to fruition this year.
Thank you!!
PS:: There is more stuff in the works, like Havoc and Chaos going to a weekly podcast. More on that later :)
PPS::I still haven't figured out if President Obama is a Kenyan socialist, Islamic Marxist, a communist, Satan himself, or just our President.
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