Friday, February 20, 2015

Ted Nugent: Sarah Palin The 'Perfect Example' Of Founding Fathers' Vision | Right Wing Watch

Besides the fact that these comments are coming from dick for brains Ted Nugent, I find it ironic. The Founding Fathers did not believe women should have a voice in the political arena. It wasn't until the ratification of the 19th Amendment on August 26, 1920 that women even had the right to vote. It took another four decades before women began to have a substantial political voice beginning with Shirley Chisholm and Bella Abzug.
In fact, one might speculate that Sarah Palin is a perfect example of why the Founding Fathers opted to deny women the right to vote.

“She is my hero,” Nugent said of the former half-term Alaska governor. “Sarah Palin is the perfect example of what our Founding Fathers envisioned for an experiment in self-government.”

Nugent was especially impressed by Palin’s decision to resign midway through her first term as governor: “She quit because the left hate machine was so overwhelming her with frivolous litigation that she did the most courageous thing in the world and she handed her governor duties to the lieutenant governor while she was taking on this hate onslaught of the left so that Alaska would be properly served by someone who could pay attention to the responsibilities of the office of government while she was fighting off the leftist mongrels. She’s my hero.”

After plugging Palin’s new TV show, Nugent gushed that she is “an amazing American and she brings forth so much good that the general media would not bring forth, she’s a reminder that the heart and soul of working-hard, playing-hard, being-the-best-that-you-can-be America is alive and well.”

Ted Nugent: Sarah Palin The 'Perfect Example' Of Founding Fathers' Vision | Right Wing Watch

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