Monday, February 2, 2015

Two Presidential candidates who have no qualms about pandering to anti-gay bigots

First up in Mike Huckabee promoting his new book God, Guns, Grits and Gravy on American Family Association's "Today's Issues" radio program.

In the first part of the call, Huckabee explains the premise of his book, normal middle-American people should not be ashamed of what they value in everyday life.  What he calls Bubbleville (the three cultural bubbles of NY-DC-Hollywood) vs Bubbaville (hence the title of his book).

That is well and good although his line (3:40 mark) concerning the book being a "Sunday school teacher's or Pastor's delight because you're going to get a lot of illustrative material out of it" is very troubling considering some of his past statements: conservatives should not accept the rulings which strike down gay marriage bans, there should be a "massive outcry" against the decisions; wanting chapel services in schools and his idea of foreign policy, "if we don't fear God, nobody will fear us."

But, what I find ironic, maybe even a bit comical, is Huckabees's response to Tim Wildmon's question (4:06 mark) as to why he left FOX, "there was a thresh-hold I couldn't cross and that is as long as I was still on television, I couldn't really have that honest conversation and say will you support me; will you help me.  Because that would be inappropriate and I knew where that thresh-hold was."

Let's think a bout that for a minute,,,

I'm beginning to think that Joseph Williams in his piece What Does Mike Huckabee Really Believe? wasn't to far off the mark.  Williams cites Dean Obeidallah who "compares Huckabee’s record as Arkansas governor with his more, shall we say, extreme persona on Fox News and his so-far underestimated political strength" calling it a Jekyll-and-Hyde premise.
While Huckabee is thinking about his run for president, I thought it was time to think about Huckabee. And I’m talking both of them.  What do I mean? Well, there’s “Governor Huckabee,” a genial, compassionate person.  And then there’s “Mr. Huckabee,” his callous, rightwing alter ego.

Bottom line: Huckabee is for real.  At least from an electoral point of view. But who is the real Huckabee is another question.

There’s the kindly Governor Huckabee who championed an increase in the minimum wage, hired more state employees and even expanded government services with programs such as “ARKids First” that provided health coverage for thousands of Arkansas’ children.
As Williams points out,"Obeidallah goes on to compare Governor Huckabee’s Arkansas record and his populist cred with Mr. Huckabee’s tack to the right, presumably in service of pursuing high ratings and/or a Republican presidential nomination."

So back to the "honest conversation" bit.  Which is Huck, are you standing with and pandering to your bigot supporters?  Or are you just trying to sell a book,
"The claim that same-sex marriage is destroying society is actually greatly overstated," Huckabee writes. "Christians who themselves abandoned the primacy of lifelong marriage to follow the divorce and remarriage customs of a secular society have as much to answer for as those who militantly push to redefine marriage."

He later adds, "Marriage as an institution is not so much threatened by same-sex couples as it is by heterosexuals' increasing indifference to it."
Maybe Glenn Beck is correct, "He is a liar to your face. He is a very disingenuous man."

Up next is Rick Santorum who according to Liberty Counsel, will be speaking at The Awaking 2015:
,,,a unique and inspirational God and Country event bringing people together around our shared values. The theme this year is “Rebuilding The Wall.”

,,,an in-depth Prayer and Patriotism event where people are united by love for our country’s freedom and our faith in Christ. We hope to educate, motivate, and activate you to make a difference in your community in 2015. As our nation’s honor is deteriorating, now is the time to take a stand and restore our country’s strength and dignity!
Huckabee is slated to speak as well, 'magine that.

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