Democratic State Senator Richard Pan, a Sacramento pediatrician who introduced a measure eliminating California’s personal beliefs exemption to vaccination requirements for schoolchildren in response to a measles outbreak at Disneyland, plans to go public on Wednesday with a website and social media campaign aimed at fighting off the recall drive, a spokeswoman said.
“I won’t be detoured from taking on the tough issues that are important to people in my district simply because there are some that use anti-science rhetoric to ignite division and fear,” Pan said in a text message to Reuters.
The successful bill he introduced, which was signed last month by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown, repealed a portion of the health code that had allowed unvaccinated children to attend school if their parents opted out based on their personal beliefs, whether those beliefs were religious or not.
Anti-vaxxers try to recall Calif. lawmaker behind bill eliminating 'personal belief' exemptions
See also:
From the Sacremento Bee concerning the recall effort:
Their efforts to block the bill failed, with Gov. Jerry Brown signing it into law, but they are making good on the election threat. In addition to seeking to recall Pan, bill opponents are seeking to overturn the law via referendum.
“It is not so much about the vaccinations as it is about the defense of liberty,” said Katherine Duran, an Elk Grove stay-at-home parent who advocated against SB 277 and is helping to lead the Pan recall. “The government, as a creature of the people, doesn’t have the right to tell the people what they can and can’t put into their bodies.”
Pan is not the only legislator whose SB 277 stance has fueled a recall effort. Bill detractors are seeking to recall a number of legislators who voted for the measure, backed by a Fresno-based organization called SB 277 Recalls that is directing funds and marshaling volunteers to launch district-level efforts.
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