Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Indiana public school punishes 7-year-old with 'banishment' for not believing in God: lawsuit

If this scenario doesn't sound familiar it should.  Think of last years case involving C.C. and the Sabine Parish School Board.
A lawsuit recently filed against a teacher at Forest Park Elementary School in Indiana alleged that a 7-year-old student was “banished” from sitting with other students at lunch after he revealed that he did not believe in God.
According to the lawsuit obtained by The Washington Post, second grade teacher Michelle Myer interrogated the student, who was identified with the initials A.B., about his religious beliefs after he told his classmates on the playground that he did not go to church because he did not believe in God.

As a result, the child was ordered to sit by himself during lunch for a three-day period.

“The defendant’s actions caused great distress to A.B. and resulted in the child being ostracized by his peers past the three-day ‘banishment.'”
“On the day of the incident and for an additional two days thereafter, Ms. Meyer required that A.B. sit by himself during lunch and told him he should not talk to the other students and stated that this was because he had offended them. This served to reinforce A.B.’s feeling that he had committed some transgression that justified his exclusion.”
And just for the record,  even if this kid had done something wrong banishment is not an appropriate punishment. 

Indiana public school punishes 7-year-old with 'banishment' for not believing in God: lawsuit

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