WorldNetDaily commentator Patrice Lewis has a message for parents in her column this weekend: “Protect your children. Don’t sacrifice them to the sex gods.”
According to Lewis, the LGBT community and “feminists trying to justify their slutty behavior” are turning kids “into raunchy little mini-adults,” all as part of an attempt to help “Planned Parenthood improve its bottom line” by urging children “to ‘explore their sexuality’ and experiment.”
The indoctrination taking place in school is nothing short of disgusting. Rather than concentrating on reading and writing, math and science, history and geography, students are instructed from kindergarten on the variations in human sexuality, encouraged to choose their gender du jour, and otherwise spoon-fed stimuli far beyond their capacities to comprehend.Right-Wing Pundit: 'Slutty' Feminists Want To 'Sacrifice' Your Kids 'To Sex Gods' | Right Wing Watch
It should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood has an active role in what is euphemistically called “reproductive health services” in middle schools and high schools. With teens not just expected, but actively encouraged to be sexually active, Planned Parenthood stands in the wings to relieve girls of their unplanned “tissue” while refusing to counsel them about any repercussions such as psychological trauma or the increased risk of cancer.
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