Friday, September 18, 2015

Alabama boss asks trans employee two terrible questions, fires her, and now has to pay up – LGBTQ Nation

When Jessi Dye showed up for her first day of work at Summerford Nursing Home, she had nothing but high hopes. She filled out her hiring paperwork, attended workshops and received vaccinations. Jessi was excited that the home had offered to pay for her training to become a certified nurse’s assistant.

But a few hours later, she was fired.

Robert Summerford, the manager of the company, called her into his office at lunch to discuss her paperwork.
As soon as Jessi walked through the door, Robert bluntly asked her “What are you?”

“It was exactly like being punched in the stomach,” Jessi recalled to HuffPo.

Jessi filed a workplace discrimination lawsuit with the help of the Montgomery-based Southern Poverty Law Center, and rather than see the matter reach a federal court, the company Robert works for agreed to settle.

Part of the settlement required the company to institute an official policy banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and to conduct sensitivity training regarding LGBTQ people.

A lawyer with the SPLC told HuffPo that the quick settlement should be seen as a sign of progress.

Alabama boss asks trans employee two terrible questions, fires her, and now has to pay up – LGBTQ Nation

See also::   Woman Fired For Being Transgender Scores A Victory

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