Thursday, October 8, 2015

Kansas public school removes Jesus picture after group complains | Fox News

A Kansas public school has removed a picture of Jesus that hung in a hallway for decades after a complaint from a national church-state separation group, The Wichita Eagle reported.

Royster Middle School removed the print of Warner Sallman’s “Head of Christ” last Thursday, following a complaint from the national Freedom From Religion Foundation, Richard Profitt, the school superintendent, said Friday.

Proffitt, who is in his first year as Chanute superintendent, said the picture was taken down after the district’s lawyer advised that the school could not legally display it.
While this incident appears to be "settled" for the most part, an interesting comment caught my eye over at WWJTD that highlights the ignorance of some in regards to SOCAS:
Q::  If gay marriage does not affect your marriage, how does a picture of Jesus affect your belief or lack thereof?
The responses are spot on and most importantly delineate between the 1st and the 14th Amendments,.
One of them violates the separation of church and state. Can you spot which one?
You see, they're actually the same. Banning same-sex marriage is theists using their position in government to force their mythological views on all, and displaying the Hey Zeus! picture is government officials using their position of power to force their mythology on all.

The only difference is that the former primarily violates the 14th Amendment, and the latter violates the 1st Amendment.
It does, however, violate the part of the Establishment Clause that says that the government isn't allowed to establish or endorse a religion. A picture of Jesus on a government-funded property is an endorsement of Christianity, and therefore against the law.

If it had been a banner reading THERE IS NO GOD it would have been in just as much violation and would have had to be taken down just the same,,,.
But I find this comment sums up the whole of SOCAS, ",,,that's a bizarre question to ask, seeing as how nobody said anything about if affecting our atheism."

Kansas public school removes Jesus picture after group complains | Fox News

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