Thursday, December 10, 2015

No, the Nazis did not use fluoride against the Jews,,,It's one big ole circle jerk

We have seen the memes and numerous Goodwin comments before.  It goes something similar to this:

And normally I would let this statement pass yet again (the most infamous may be credited to Jessie Ventura,"Fluoride in the water, that was originally done by the Nazis!" citing Alex Jones' Prison Planet as source) but for some odd reason, I can't this time.  So, let's get the facts correct, shall we.

Please note I am only dealing with the Nazi myth and nothing else.  The "other issues" such as opposition to fluoridation because it is seen as an infringement of personal liberty, or the government is in cahoots with "big whatever"[1] are not my interest at the moment.  That is not to say that some of these alleged issues (and there are more than just those 2 mentioned, ie. topical vs systemic uses, cost-benefit and informed consent being the three most noted in discussions) are not important, just beyond what I want to delve into.  The enemy they most feared by the "anti's" that embrace the Nazis narrative is not fluoride but the government and the scientific establishment.

Yes, the Nazis killed millions. Yes, the Nazis were inhumane.  But, did that include adding fluoride to concentration camp water supplies?  Let's go back to the initial claim - the Nazis did it therefore evil - where did it come from?

Explanation #1 of where did it come from
One of the most oft used claims of the anti-fluoridation crowd surrounds Charles E Perkins; chemist and researcher, who wrote a 44-page tome The Truth about Water Fluoridation (1952, 2nd edition). The narrative put forth by the "antis" goes something like this:
Perkins, related how immediately after the Second World War he was one the Americans put into the well-known I.G. Farben Company in Germany. There he discovered that I.G. Farben had developed plans during the war to fluoridate the occupied countries, because it had been found that fluoridation caused slight damage to a specific part of the brain. This damage had a very particular effect. It made it more difficult for the person affected to defend his freedom. He became more docile towards authority.  It’s also claimed that Perkins was in contact with the German chemists of I.G. Farben who admitted to the “Nazi plot to use fluoride in drinking water”. 
[FYI:  there are slight variations of this narrative, some reference the concentration camps where others state the use of fluoride was for POWs.]

The documented truth
While it is true that Perkins thought fluoridation of drinking water was a communist plot, he never mentions "the evil Nazis" in his book.  Neither does he provide any documentation to show the use of fluoridation by the Russians. Perkins simply states,
Mass medication, involving the fluoridation of public water supply systems, has long been known as an important technique of the Communist philosophy of mass control. The scheme of water fluoridation was taken to England by the English-born Russian Communist Kreminoff in 1935. Laski, believed to be the head of the English radical socialists at that time, mentioned it in an article he wrote for HARPER'S MAGAZINE in that year.
Shortly thereafter the English socialists, who had many sympathetic supporters and followers in high places in this country, introduced the fluoridation movement in the United States. In the early 1940's the U. S. Public Health Service, and affiliated agencies, took over the movement and have enthusiastically sponsored it ever since.  
Of course, not all of those who are in favor of water fluoridation are Communists, or even Communist sympathizers. Far from it. Although the movement is an integral part of the Communist philosophy of mass control and was originated and is being guided in this country by persons who are alleged to believe in the Communist philosophy, many of the advocates of artificial water fluoridation are well-meaning, public spirited persons of fine repute who believe they are doing a noble work by helping to give children better teeth. [See the section labeled "Water fluoridation is a technique of Communist Philosophy" under part 2; and yes, I have read the entire book.] 
Adding further fuel to fire, is a letter allegedly penned by Perkins in 1954 addressed to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research.  In the letter, Perkins was asked to better explain his Russian fluoridation comments in his book, and the resulting letter brought to life the alleged “Nazi” connection. He is alleged to have said that German chemists “worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control,,,through mass medication of drinking water supplies,,,In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.”

Besides the fact that Perkins again has no documentation for the Nazi allegation, there is no source for this letter.  One possible explanation or source (which is speculation) as to origination of said letter and the "Water fluoridation as a commie plot", the John Birch Society.  As PunditFact notes, "the 'dark age' claims of which were being debunked in public at least as early as 1962.

That brings us to Joseph Borkin’s book Crimes and Punishment of I.G. Farben. A frequently cited work as support for the Perkins claim.  As far as I can tell, Perkins has no connections what-so-ever to I.G. Farben.  Other than the above narrative which runs in a hellacious circle jerk, starting with Perkins and ending with Perkins.  Except there is no substantiated evidence that Perkins said what he allegedly said.

Explanation #2 of where did it come from goes something like this. [2]


In other words, some anti-fluoridationists, spouting this specific non-sense, are attributing said "quote" to Joseph Borkin's 1978 book The Crimes and Punishment Of I.G. Farben.

The truth
Yes, I.G. Farben has a very checkered history, in regards to Nazis atrocities and the company's role in such. But, nowhere are the words "fluoridation" and "fluoride" found in Borkin's work; carbon monoxide and Zyklon B are mentioned.  [And again, yes I have read the entire book.]
In August 1941, using 500 Russian prisoners of war as an experimental group, Hoess introduced into the airtight chambers of Birkenau a new asphyxiating agent, Zyklon B.

Actually, Zyklon B, whose generic name is prussic acid, was new only in its application to human beings; its traditional, commercial use was as an insecticide. The result was a revelation of efficiency.
[FYI:: IG Farben did not invent Zyklon B.  That honor belongs to Nobel Prize-winning Jewish German chemist Fritz Haber's research group at the Institute for Physical Chemistry and Elektrochemistry in the 1920s.]  

Making matters more convoluted in regard to Borkin, Perkins and I.G. Farben, the only reference to I.G. Farben and fluorine that I could find is this. [Citation provided by author:  Karr, Errol H.: "Elemental Fluorine. IG Farbenindustrie Leverkusen", Technical Industrial Intelligence Agency, June 15, 1946, Fiat Final Report No. 838, Declassified]
During World War II fluorine was used for very special purposes: the Fiat Final Report No. 838 on "Elemental Fluorine" states that since 1940 Germany´s IG Farbenindustrie operated several fluorine electrolysis cells. One of them was built at Gottow during the war for a secret project of the Oberkommando des Heeres (German Army High Command). It "represented the largest production of elemental fluorine in Germany. The fluorine was reported to have been produced solely for the manufacture of a new incendiary agent, chlorine tri-fluoride". An important finding in the research at Leverkusen "was the explosive property possessed by liquefied or compressed fluorine which had not been properly purified. In their initial work on storing elemental fluorine under high pressures a few explosions of the steel cylinders occurred. The explosive property of the fluorine was attributed to traces of such impurities as O3, F2O2, OF2 and ClOF, which were present in amounts too small to be determined." [See subsection labeled "Military uses of elemental fluorine"]
So according to Meiers, I.G. Farben did tinker with fluorine, but it appears it was related to weaponry; possibly atomic.  Try as I may, I could not find any further "legitimate", non circle-jerk information concerning I.G Farben and fluorine.

Explanation #3 or how did Charles E Perkins and I.G. Farben become connected?  

As with any fantasy of great length there are different variations of the narrative.  For the most part the discourse includes Ian E. Stephens, Fluoridation: Mind Control of the Masses, with contributions by Harley Rivers Dickinson and Major George Racey Jordan. Just as part one of our narrative was a circle-jerk, so to is this second part. and it begins with Stephens - Stephens cites Dickinson and Dr Hans Mollenburg, both cite variations of the Perkins narrative above.  It is a good example of how Perkins’ unsupported claims get uncritically parroted. 

So we pick up the narrative after Perkin's alleged post-war dealings with I.G. Farben.  According to Stephens,
Already an anti-fluoridationst, he urged those who would follow him not to let the anti-fluoride cause fail.   Thirty odd years later (1987), the "cause" was picked up again by Harley Rivers Dickinson, an Australian Liberal MP,  who raised the issue of fluoridation and its sinister implications in an "Address in Reply to the Governor's speech in Parliament." which is recorded in the official Hansard report on August 12th, 1987.  The 'Address' forms part of a document compiled by Ian E Stephens and is entitled the 'Dickinson Statement'.
The relevant Hansard abstract is reproduced herewith. It is emphasized that the writer imputes Mr Dickinson with no other responsibility for the contents of this thesis than being the parliamentary 'trigger' which motivated it and the researched data which it contains.
"While there he was told by the German chemists of a scheme which had been worked out by them during the war and adopted by the German General Staff. 
"This was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place. 
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. 
"Both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile."
"At the end of the Second World War, the United States Government sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of the vast Farben chemical plants in Germany. 
The truth, or what I could actually find
Stephens' entire narrative of the -Nazi connection to fluoride- rest completely on the previously mentioned 'Perkins' narrative'.  Keep in mind, the 'Perkins' narrative' is the sole authority of the Nazis use of fluoridation.  As I mentioned previously, Perkins makes no mention of Nazi Germany or I.G. Farben in his book. It is only in the '1954 letter' around which the Nazi-fluoride conspiracy theory revolves. In addition to a lack of evidence for the claims made in his book and letter, it is also hard to even verify the claim that Perkins was put in charge of I.G. Farben as the legal documents for the Farben war crimes trial make no mention of him or of fluoridation. Also remember, Borkin makes no mention of Perkins or fluoridation.

Yes, there was an individual by the name of Harley Rivers Dickinson.  Yes, Dickinson was an Australian Liberal MP.  BUT that is all there is to find.  The PDF of Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) SPRING SESSION 1987 has no mention of Dickinson or his alleged statement.

One would think that if some dude was granted an audience in front of a governing body and made a statement  concerning Nazis, fluoride, and fluoridation, that it would be easy to find.  As one Australia friend notes, "It would have made the news."

[If anyone can find and provide proper documentation - other than the regurgitated nonsense that circles back to Stephens - that this incident concerning Dickinson actually occurred, I will gladly make note of it.  Regardless of whether it is true, matters not, Dickinson also relies on Perkins which I have already shown to be complete garbage.]

The fantasy does continue, but I shall not; at least not in this posting. The truth is simple. The more complex a "story" becomes the bigger the fallacies.  Hence why I state the enemy most feared by the "anti's" that embrace the Nazis narrative is not fluoride but the government and the scientific establishment.

We have done our level best to discourage opponents of fluoridation from using this emotive argument. The historical evidence for this assertion is extremely weak. It is sad that the U.S. media has done such a bad job of educating the public on this issue that it is so easy for crazy ideas to fill the vacuum.
Paul Connett (PhD), co-author of the book The Case Against Fluoride - Senior Adviser, Fluoride Action Network (FAN)
[1]  The standard trope heard in the US goes something like this:  Fluoridation is part of an agenda that’s being pushed forth by the so-called globalists in our government and the world government to keep the people stupid so they don’t realize what’s going on.”

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.....except, when the evidence SHOULD be there, but isn't.

Carl Sagan, Victor Stenger, and Dave Foda


  1. I really wish that people who say they are against forced-fluoridation would stop propagating this Nazi myth, because it harms the cause. America has always been very capable of doing evil without any help from the Nazis.

  2. Thank you your comment Dan.

    Question for you, besides the issue of "forced fluoridation", is there any other aspect of the issue you find troubling? I am contemplating maybe a part 2 looking at such issues,,,

    1. I have skeletal fluorosis and multiple chemical sensitivity, including fluoride sensitivity, so obviously the adverse health effects are of concern. The truth is that everything about dumping fluoride pollution into public water supplies is just wrong. It's an abuse of human rights, pharmacologically nonsensical, there is overwhelming evidence of harm, and no credible evidence for safety or efficacy.
