UPDATE:: Jillian was strongly warned by the FTC by letter yesterday
It remains to be seen what her actions will be as she clearly
refuses to understand the implications of the letter.
Paulson notes,
To comply with the Truth in Advertising laws, Jillian
must scrub her website. She said all documents related to the
protocol, science, diet, and recipe would no longer be available on
her site. According to Epperly, she said the letter referenced all
digital media.
to the FTC,
any claims written in print or digitally related to health products
must have scientific evidence backing the claims. Evidence for the
claims must be included in the material.
Since Jillian’s
book is for all intents and purposes an advertisement for using her
protocol, her book could be the next target for her “trolls.”
In a video posted to FB, Jillian seems to have no
idea how much trouble she is facing, IOWs any written material is
regulated by FTC rules. “I
PEOPLE.. IT IS ABOUT ADVERTISING.” Despite this first win, I am going to
continue with my series” concerning Epperly as people are using the
product and promoting it. Parents are giving this vile brew to their
information available on the internet can be valuable, a Google
University diploma is not.
illustrate, she claims it is “all in the chemistry” - it's what
make her brew special. Wouldn't a junior high level understanding of
chemistry help prior to spouting BS?
This is information I learned 40 years ago. It has not changed or been modified by BigScience. She re-defines words and reality to fit her paradigm, which goes to her god-complex.
Born in Vietnam, arrived in the US before she turned 2, and was adopted by American parents.
Her father worked in biotech, and she points to this as the source of her insider knowledge that the pharmaceutical industry is a scam.
She is against vaccines, and presents an argument that’s common among anti-vaxxers: that Big Pharma is in cahoots with doctors to keep Americans sick and addicted to medication.
Developed premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. “I tried every single detox, pill, powder, supplement, that I had access to, and joined millions of groups that were all promoting their wares.”
Dabbled in fermentation, trying recipes for kombucha and for pickles. At some point, she decided to swap cucumbers for cabbage, and upped the spoons of salt in the brew. That was the genesis for her theory. (Her slop is basically a liquefied version of sauerkraut – not original. What is “original”, adding 1 TBSP of salt. Some minions have suggested she patent her recipe; I am unsure of the ability to do so as patent law can be a bit confusing.)
brew is not a proper ferment which takes at minimum 10-14 days. The
lactobacillus she claims is present would be impeded by the amount
of salt present.)
Here’s How A “Poop Cult” With 58,000 Followers Set Off A Facebook War
So what's the poop on
the goop,,,
The danger in Jillian’s magical juice is the salt
content. The FDA recommends
a daily value of no more than 2,400mg of sodium per day for
adults and children over 4 years of age. The American
Heart Association recommends and even more conservative 1,500mg of
sodium per day.Even the oft cited book in support of JJ , The Salt Fix by Dr James DiNicolantonio, suggests “only” 3000-6000mg. While DiNicolantonio has been questioning the advice made by numerous governmental and medical groups, he is not advocating for hypernatremia (video).
Now here’s the kicker… A single teaspoon of salt contains 2,300mg of sodium. There are 3 teaspoons per tablespoon. A gallon contains 16 cups, recipe contains 8 tablespoons of salt and 55,200mg of sodium. Considering the damaging effect sodium has on the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs, excess sodium consumption can lead to dehydration, high blood pressure, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, kidney disease, headaches, puffiness, bloating, enlarged heart tissue, stroke, and other medical conditions.
So just based on this information alone, consideration and discussion of this cabbage brew should halt. Sadly that is not the case as noted in our latest episode of BTTP as well as numerous other social media outlets commenting on the dangers. Jillian Epperly is manipulating and brainwashing individuals into drinking this crap along with utilizing her highly restrictive diet. She is a classic bulimic projecting her manipulations and control issue out on other people. Somehow she has managed to convince others that shitting the bed is normal
She does not care about the consequences and any failure is your fault, not the brew. (See Dr Phil video referenced above.) Which is a contradiction of what she has stated in the past.
Some call it the “Poop
Cult” or Death By Salt
Like Kerri Rivera of MMS fame (5-part posting), Epperly is a coprophilliac.
Bear in mind Epperly does not consider “waterfalls” and explosive diarrhea to be the same thing. Like Rivera she ignores the significance of the Herxheimer effect. The symptoms of salt poisoning are consider healing, ie Herxheimer, IOWs the riding the body of parasites (which there is no evidence of) and “mutations” (another word/concept she slaughters).
Like Rivera, in a FB group now deleted, there was photographic evidence of individuals picking through their feces looking for parasites. Again, like Rivera, what was thought to be parasites or remnants of was the sloughing of intestinal lining.
“We are in a poop cult,”
she joked in one video, and a post on her Facebook page. “You know
why? Because we’re realizing that poop is one of the main things
that is feeding the candida and the worms and the parasites.”
Funny that, because according to you on page 27 of your first book, you state this,
Yup just like MMS
Additionally, Jillian has openly advocated that her protocol is safe for babies. She insists that her recipe is safer than formula for babies.
Epperly is convinced that mothers are making their babies sick with
breast milk, because the programmed parasites and harmful invaders
are allegedly passed to the child via breast milk. Jillian actually
believes that breast milk is a danger due to the parasites, bacteria
and contaminants that can be found in breast milk and that her
protocol is superior. (Jilly Juice Protocol, p31 - chpt 8 PDF)
Jillian has encouraged mothers to use her protocol on children by any means possible which includes using the in the ears, bellybutton, or as an enema.
The pseudo-science
The core of her
philosophy: the existence of parasites, Candida, and harmful invaders
that impact human bodies and our health. The other major aspect of
her protocol involves her overly salted cabbage slop (1 tbs salt –
Pink Himalayan) + 2 cups cabbage chopped + 2 cups water - up to 1
gallon a day water - allowed to ferment for 3 days and than
consumed. Jillian “Mai-Thi” Epperly describes this recipe as a
fermented lacto-bacillius drink that should be consumed to help the
body heal. It is important to note that Epperly's fermentation
recipe is very questionable, as noted above, and doesn’t follow any
proper nutritional recipe. [4]
Lacto Bacillius does not
start to cultivate until day three and should be
allowed to continue to cultivate for up to 14 days.
Jillian “Mai-Thi” Epperly encourages users to refrigerate the
protocol after 3 days which would essentially slow down the
reproduction rate of the lacto bacillus culture which could end up
making the end product have a very low lacto-bacillius count.
There has been no
evidence produced to show that Jillian “Mai-Thi” Epperly has ever
tested the lacto-bacillus count of her recipe. There has been no
verified lab tests that show any proof that her recipe is a live or
active culture.
As I noted prior,
according to Epperly, testing was done by Food Safety Net Services in
Columbus, Ohio at the request of a minion.
A recent
critic of Epperly noted, in a FB conversation,
two recipes will ever be the same. Different salt, cabbage, water,
jars, fermentation would all change the outcome. Her own private test
just returned a high bacteria score, it never said good or bad, could
have been a test on pond water. Any proper test would have to be in a
lab under controlled conditions. Even then she could say you didn't
follow the recipe properly.
don't know exactly what she sent them. The reading means nothing and
just states there is bacteria and possibly fungus in a sample of
something she had privately tested. The lactic plate count is not the
lactobacillus content. She may have got the same results from a
sample of pond water.
There is nothing “sacred”
about this slop. There is no magical property to the salt nor
cabbage. Her diet is overly restrictive and contradictory to some of
her own statements:
diet, once again is chicken, eggs, fruits, vegetable, raw seeds (no
flax seeds), raw nuts and good oils such as organic olive oil,
coconut oil, grape seed oil. No beans or legumes, lay off using
spices as they are natural antibiotics opposite of Probiotics. No
lemon or lime water as it destroys guts health. Keep your culture of
Kale and cabbage fermented juice away from heat sources and avoid
mixing it with you dinner. The more you drink the fermented juice
and eat the solids, the faster you will purge and regenerate your
damaged cell structures! (p87 PDF of book 2, pt 16)
diet is key and avoiding red meat, only chicken breast (not
rotisserie), fresh fruits, fresh veggies, good oils, raw nuts and
seeds (no flax seeds). I also recommend a lot of eggs if you feel
super hungry and have belly cravings. Another recommendation is to
temporarily avoid: sugar, sugar substitutes like stevia, honey, maple
syrup, processed foods, gluten-free foods and gluten, such as wheat,
soy, rice, corn, grains and anything fried, until you completely
reverse your issues 100%. Beans and legumes are NOT okay. Spices
and herbs and extracts ARE NOT OKAY!! (p90 PDF of book 2)
In a recent video description she
again stated, "Working
Out, Exercise Regimes aka "accountability coaches", Eating
Organic +Pills Powders and Supplements and why they are negatively
impacting the body causing cellular degradation aka aging and
contributing to cancer disease and chronic illness.”
Without delving to deeply
into the science of parasites (yes they do exist and there are 12
that can cause issues in the human body) or Candida (yes it
does exist- ie yeast infections), I want to stay focused on her BS.
civilizations often fermented their foods and had a deep
understanding about the nutritional benefits within fermented foods.
I truly believe it is important to realize that if salty fermented
cabbage water was truly a panacea for healing ancient cultures and
even modern civilizations would have long discovered this recipe for
health and longevity.
Remember Epperly's entire premise behind her “theory” is the role of probiotics and what Candida does to the human body; that her “Jilly Juice” will combat the Candida overgrowth. While not specifically stating a cure “,,, the protocol offers possible healing,,,” The language is such that combined with other statements she has made, one can interpret what she does say as a cure. (I will be focusing on her LGBT stuff in a later post.)
Remember Epperly considers LGBT status a mutation to be healed.
Aside from that little detour, I am really curious as to the means of diagnosis as generally, yeast overgrowth, is diagnosed via endoscopy and taking a biopsy. IOWs utilization of allopathic medicine.
Science has already shown that Candida does not cause any of these issues. At worst Candida overgrowth can cause itching, rashes, and pain.
One popular fake illness
is chronic candidiasis. Candida albicans
is a fungus that colonizes about 90% of the population (meaning it is
present in the body but not causing an infection or any problems). It
can, however, become an infection, usually at times of stress or
immunocompromise. The most common
manifestations are thrush (a superficial Candida
infection in the mouth) and vaginitis, also commonly referred to as a
yeast infection.
Candida can also rarely cause
serious systemic infection, but this is mostly restricted to those
with compromised immune systems, such as patients undergoing
chemotherapy or with advanced AIDS.
Candida became the focus of a fake illness beginning in 1986 with the publication of The Yeast Connection by Dr. William Crook. In this book Crook proposed the idea that systemic candidiasis, or Candida hypersensitivity, was responsible for a host of common conditions and non-specific symptoms, such as fatigue, sexual dysfunction, asthma, and psoriasis.
Candida became the focus of a fake illness beginning in 1986 with the publication of The Yeast Connection by Dr. William Crook. In this book Crook proposed the idea that systemic candidiasis, or Candida hypersensitivity, was responsible for a host of common conditions and non-specific symptoms, such as fatigue, sexual dysfunction, asthma, and psoriasis.
Over 25 years later Candida
hypersensitivity remains an unproven claim, but popular among
“alternative” practitioners. The claims have also spread,
unhindered by logic and evidence,,,
There ya have it folks!! This is what Jillian Mai Thi
Epperly is promoting. This is Jilly Juice or salt poisoning in a
glass. She's not making a fortune on it - yet - but she is trying to
position herself for such. With the recent happenings concerning the FTC, who knows what direction this cretin will go in. I have my hunch which I am working to collate her battshittery, but in the mean time I will taking a look at her thoughts concern LGBT status.Background Sources
1] Here’s How A “Poop Cult” With 58,000 Followers Set Off A Facebook War https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nidhisubbaraman/facebook-jilly-juice-cabbage-epperly#.wtG56Mbd75
2] Ohio Woman Suspected of Killing People with Cabbage Juice
3] Woman Who Claims Cabbage Juice 'Cures' Autism and Can Regrow Limbs to Be Probed by Officials
4] Exposing the Jillian Mai-Thi Epperly Experiment
5] Woman Under Fire For a 'Poop Cult' Promoting Fake Cure-All Elixir
6] The latest ‘cure’ for being gay is fermented cabbage juice. It doesn’t work.
https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2018/03/latest-cure-gay-fermented-cabbage-juice-doesnt-work/7] The Ohio Attorney General Is Demanding Answers From The Woman Who Started A Facebook Cabbage Juice Cult
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