Monday, July 8, 2019

Show Notes:: We talk NIFB (Extremely Long)

Anderson's horrid Deborah and Barack sermon

Suris and Atheist Rationale have put out a wonderful video - The NIFB, Know Who They are, and What They Do (Ft. The Atheist Rationalle)

Steve Anderson sermon transcripts

Anderson is the pastor at Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ.


Crooks and Liars and MSNBC [?],

the best critiques of christians are other christians – they can be brutal.

Simply put, McMurty is notorious for ''othering”

McMurty for all it's worth mirrors Anderson's rhetoric. Right down to killing LGBTQI+

Today, A Youtube Channel named “Let God Burn Them Quickly!” uploaded a video where Tommy McMurtry is recorded as saying he hoped for protesters and violence at the MASA conference giving them the opportunity to kill people while hiding behind the “Stand Your Ground” law in Florida.
Pray that if they do any protests that it gets violent … they have Stand Your Ground in Florida”
He continues to say that since they can fight back he wants people to become violent so that he can legally “protect” himself against people he perceives to be “an easy win.” The NIFB is known for brandishing weapons and stalking their critics.(Note both the channel and video in question have been removed from YT for hate speech.)

Bruce Mejia of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Los Angeles CA.

we believe they should be put to death. They should die! And I will never grieve over a sodomite that is killed or that is put to death or any other way that they die, I will never grieve for that. In fact, I will rejoice over that.
Make a clip out of that and put that in the news.
The “reprobate doctrine” which is that sodomites cannot be saved.

I should note that I relied on other KJV Only ministries that also counter Anderson's twisted reprobate doctrine.

Refuting the Unbiblical Reprobate Doctrine
(Be forewarned this guy actually does “reluctantly” support Anderson, just not his version of the reprobate doctrine

The False “Reprobate” Doctrine (There is a video associated that's actually kinda interesting)

The influence of Jack Hyles,,,
The Reprobate Doctrine crowd rally behind a sermon clip by Dr. Jack Hyles, which Pastor Steven Anderson has titled, “Jack Hyles Explains Reprobate Doctrine.” In the sermon clip Hyles simply teaches that there is a line which an unsaved person can cross, beyond which they cannot be saved.

Adam Fannin at this point, although it really doesn't quite fit. Fannin is important for two reasons. 1] He also heavily preached the Reprobate Doctrine among other vile things; 2] he now calls NIFBC a cult. (Pastor Steven Anderson's THE NEW IFB MAFIA is a Cannibalistic Cult - Adam Fannin

According to

The accusation of cult is surprising as it appears he still endorses the same flawed teachings.

Which brings us to the fallout from the booting Donnie Romero over bad behavior

At one point, Romero was a disciple of Anderson's. Commissioned and sent out from Anderson’s Faithful Word Baptist Church to plant a church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. (Anderson's wife Zsuzsanna' blog) BUT recently he had a massive fall from grace.

His claim to fame is a 2014 sermon where he preached the message that all gays should “be put to death.”
"I'm going to explain to you why God wants these people to be put to death. … The word of God is very clear that God is against the sodomites, that they're filthy and it says they're an abomination to God. … I love that part of the Bible, and I'm going to preach that part of the Bible until the day I die, and if I ever stop preaching that part of the Bible, I hope my kids tell me, 'Dad, you're going soft on sin, you need to get up there and rip on these queers, because it's only getting worse and worse.' 
"And amen to what Pastor Anderson said — I'm not going to let any of these dirty faggots inside of my church. They are all pedophiles. … They're always trying to rape and hurt other people. They're relentless. They are relentless. They are predators and given an opportunity to snatch one of your children, they would do it in a heartbeat."

Jonathan Shelley heads the Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth TX 76114. Besides the debacle above concerning Romero, Shelley is known as the man who wants to stone unruly kids among

… [Kids are] going to continue being more rebellious, more mocking, more arrogant, more prideful. You see, it’s never enough. They just want to keep mocking their parents and disobeying their parents. You’ve got to squash out the rebellion in your child.
You know you could squash rebellion in a public school today? Take the rebellious one out and stone him. I bet they’d shapen up pretty quick. I bet they’d figure out, “Maybe I should hearken under the authorities in my life.” And we see, unfortunately, our society is continually destroying itself, because [all of these] rebellious, arrogant, prideful teenage jerks that just don’t want to hearken to their parents, you know, and God said they should be put to death.

The guy that’s the lazy gamer, “I don’t want to get a job. I just want to play video games all day and drink alcohol with my buddies,” that guy should be put to death.

You know what? As a young man, you should be able to work! And you should work hard! And you should be sober! And the man that’s not going to do that, God says, “Well, I think you’re worthy of death.” That’s pretty serious.

Now obviously, in this society we live in today, this would never happen, right? America, this isn’t happening. You can’t take your child up to the government and say, “Look, this guy won’t listen to us, hearken to us.”

But here’s the thing. When man fails to execute God’s judgment, do you think God’s just gonna let that go? God will repay. When man fails to put someone to death, God will take care of it. And if you’re a stubborn and rebellious child, you better be careful every single step you take…

Shelley preached against the LGBTQ community in an October 2018 sermon.

They hate God. God has already given them up,” he says in the video. “That’s the reason they’re doing these vile, disgusting things. They’re beasts, they’re wicked, they’re abominable, they’re filthy today.”

David Berzins appeared to be a rising star within the movement. Originally planting a church (Word of Truth Baptist Church in Prescott Valley, Arizona. According to from 2018, Anderson is listed or was listed as the pastor (web site is not UTD nor does it seem active). Berzins now leads a church in Norcross, GA.; Strong Hold Baptist Church.

At this point in time I have no information confirming or denying an ongoing relationship with the NIFBC or Anderson. The closest confirmation is this piece coming out of WSB-TV2 in Atlanta,

Berzins moved to Atlanta last summer. He comes from Arizona, where he was ordained at the Word of Truth Baptist Church. If that church sounds familiar, it’s because the pastor there made national news in 2009 when he said he prayed for President Barack Obama’s death. The reason: Obama is pro-choice.

Both pastors call themselves New Independent Fundamental Baptists. The group’s website lists 21 churches in the United States. Berzins says they are not a denomination, but a group of like-minded churches. 

But Berzins' whopper besides the mimickery of Anderson was his defense of Anderson when a fellow pastor requested that his website be removed from Anderson‘s church directory.

As Hemant noted over at Friendly Atheist. “Berzins went on a rant about how that guy did the whole Christian world a disservice with his request. Because, really, what’s the big deal about stoning homosexuals?”
I like the guy [who wanted to be removed from the directory]. He’s a Christian, he’s saved, he does soul-winning, he believes in a King James Bible, it’s a Baptist church. Independent Fundamental Baptist church.
He believes homosexuality is wickedness, and he preaches against it.
But just because they don’t believe that [homosexuals] should be stoned, which — I think it’s very clear… Look, God came up with the laws of the Old Testament! They’re breathed by the Lord. And if you think that you know better on how to run a country than God has ordained, you think your laws are better…
When you choose to be disassociated and break fellowship with a fellow Christian or a fellow church over something like that, you are just giving the enemy that much more ground and you’re letting them win… Now look, if you think they shouldn’t be put to death, fine. If you don’t think that should be the government’s role, but you believe the Bible and you’re against homosexuality, this is not a cause to break fellowship over… Don’t break fellowship with someone who simply believes that Leviticus 20:13 should be in application in our government today.
Now, you’re gonna break fellowship over fellow Christians over this issue because you’re too scared! Because you’re scared about retaliation from these perverts! Don’t be scared! They’ve vile and wicked and you need to be standing up and standing together…
Next we have Aaron Thompson, of Verity Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington. And yes he is clone of all the rest. VBC is a satellite ministry of Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, CA under the leadership of Pastor Roger Jimenez (up next).

His claim to fame and why he is on my radar, he preaches biblical reason not to get vaxxed. Yes these cretins are anti-vaxx among other things. (More on that later.)

I may do a comparison to Kent Hovind, (3-parts)

Roger Jimenez, also of Verity Baptist Church but in Sacramento, CA . Like all the rest he is a clone of Anderson, which is bizarre as he has family (by marriage) who is a member of the LGBTQI+ community.

His assholery by now is or should be well known. Within days of the Pulse shooting, he stated in a sermon

Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” asked Jimenez. “Um no. I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer tonight. The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job – because these people are predators. They are abusers.

He doubled down on that statement during his speech during MASA. and as Heavy notes,

Jimenez defended his sermon to ABC 10, and said he had no regrets. “My whole point was, if people die who deserved to die, we don’t need to be mourning them. This gunman that went in there and shot those people up, the Bible says he deserves to die, and we shouldn’t be mourning his death either.”

Patrick Boyle of Revival Baptist Church in Orlando; the host church I don't have much on this guy other than he insists he’s just echoing the Bible when he says gay people “are worthy of death.”

His church’s PayPal account was taken down after atheist activists reported it.

Grayson Fritts of All Scripture Baptist Church Knoxville, TN . My personal information is a bit sketchy and outdated as I, literally while scripting, discovered he is NIFBC and allegedly has preached at Anderson's church.

Andrew Seidel's blurp from the FFRF, “FFRF Director of Strategic Andrew Seidel discusses how FFRF is calling on the Knox County Sheriff's Department to probe Deputy Grayson Fritts’ wrathful demand for the government to execute LGBTQ citizens. Fritts called for state violence against LGBTQ citizens he called “sodomites” and “queers,” even likening them to “animals.”

No information or very little,,,

Rocky Randall Iola Baptist Temple Iola, KS

Manly Perry Old Path Baptist Church Adkins, TX

Joe Major of Faith Baptist Church in LA gave a guest sermon at the Philippines church of Logan Robertson. In a sermon titled “Make The World Straight Again,” Major told the raucous crowd about how all homosexuals were inherently pedophiles and that’s why they deserved to be executed.

I want to share some of their comments here only because people need to know what sort of bigotry is being justified in the name of Christ. You can’t push back against it unless you know what they’re saying.”

Some others in the movement that are prevalent on YouTube

Ben the Baptist

Matt Powell

If you remember, Matt Powell is the pencil-neck, 22ish y/o nuckfutz
that has said things like atheists were Coke-drinking video game addicts and scientists were hiding the truth about the Sun and moon. As Hemant notes, he sat for an interview with Skylar Fiction, when shit really hit the fan when he said to Skylar that the government should execute gay people.

as far as homosexuality goes, you know, I believe the Bible puts the death penalty on it. I believe it’s disgusting. And incidentally, every scientific test has come back and said that homosexuals are 50 more times likely to get AIDS… we got this AIDS thing spreading… it’s a fact that this is the case.

Skylars interview was taken down by YT and a debacle commenced. So of course I had to get Skylar and we did (Episode 159 interview with Skylar Fiction) (Suris does a wonderful take down of Powell)

Standing For Truth

Framing The World (Paul Wittenburger)

Jonathan Kragen

If I had a button on the pulpit that I could push and every homosexual would fall over dead, I would push it till I break my finger.”

During the build-up to the MASA rally, Mike Winger of Bible Thinker, posted the following video Steven Anderson vs The Biblical Gospel.

Enter Prophet of ZOD who has a good take as well concerning Winger's reaction. (highly recommend!!)

Tangentially related I Asked a Pastor the Same Question that Made his Daughter an Atheist! (Matt Slick vs David Smalley)

As Anderson is fond of saying, if you dont agree, leave.

I would add,

4] Part of their unofficial doctrine Conspiracy Theories
  • 9/11 Conspiracies
  • Anti-Vaccination
  • Chemtrails
  • Water Fluoridation

What they believe (the same or similar can be found at each associated church website, this from Verity in CA)

Founded and controlled by Anderson, the ‘New” IFB church movement believes that the “old” IFB church movement has moved away from its core beliefs and practices. While this is true is some instances, there is very little difference between the churches of these groups. Both groups are cultic; both are Evangelical in doctrine; both are conservative politically; both practice personal separation (from the world) and many of the churches practice secondary separation (refusing to fellowship with churches/pastors who have connections with compromising churches/pastors/colleges); both are evangelistic; both believe the Bible is inerrant (and many use only the King James Bible); both believe they alone are True Christians®. One thing is for certain, Steven Anderson is the de facto pope of the “New” IFB church movement.”

Here's what the NIFBC states,

The New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement is a title used to identify churches and believers from around the world who take the word of God seriously. The movement is a revival of what the old IFB once represented. The movement is a new generation going back to the old paths. Each church that is associated with the movement is independent and each Pastor submits himself to the word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The movement is not a denomination. Each Pastor may see things somewhat differently than the other Pastors, resulting in differing beliefs on various minor issues. However, all of the churches in the movement are united on the following important doctrines: *FAITH ALONE FOR SALVATION *ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED *KING JAMES BIBLE ONLY *TRINITY *SOUL-WINNING *HARD PREACHING *ANTI-WORLDLINESS *ANTI-CALVINISM *ANTI-DISPENSATIONAL *ANTI-ZIONISM *POST-TRIB PRE-WRATH RAPTURE

Is NIFBC a cult?
As I use a different model, I have relied on Telltale's,
Steven Anderson - Is He A Cult Leader? (2019) (BITE Model Breakdown) Simply put,

Generate and use propaganda extensively - as well as YT personalities like Matt Powell
Shun you if you disobey or disbelieve – they do shun and they will kick you out; public shaming

Content Creators

Note:: the Kragen Clan are ex-NIFBC

I do have one special thank you, and that is to Suris for allowing me to use the clip in its entirety. It is 4 minutes, but so very worthy of play.

Please watch till the end,,,
We Deserve to Live (A Response to the NIFB)

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