Thursday, November 21, 2019

The bible is not a science book [Reaction] (Pt 3)

Curious Jillian why are you only using christian symbolism in your saladese?  You trying to appease as many people possible?
So she is re-hashing the same material as before.  As I noted in my last post.  The command to be “fruitful and multiply” (Gen 1:27-28) came BEFORE the fall (Gen 3).

Ezekiel 18:20  very clearly states that “man is guilty for his own sins and for his own sins alone. He is not guilty, and cannot be guilty, for the sin of Adam or any other man.”

So again Jillian you have no clue as to what you speak to!

“So, that is where all the evil and the satanism and the demons  and where the parasites get demonized.”

Just need to point out you make no delineation between theistic and atheistic Satanism as the first is based solely on christian mythology.  Atheistic Satanism, specifically Levayan or Church of Satan, is not and sees Satan as an archetype such as in Nietzsche's central concept “will to power..”  Best understood as an irrational force, found in all individuals, that can be channeled toward different ends.

Another point, it wasn't until last year, she changed her premise concerning parasites.  Prior to April, both parasites and fungus where bad boys and girls.  It was noticed she no longer spoke much of parasites (or candida) but “mutations” became a key word.  Now it is “hormones.”

As one critic has phrased it, “Hormones, code for worms and parasites.”  Then this on Sept 2 (since deleted).
Parasites (and viruses) in moderation became a good thing.

A bit off topic, but very telling (from Dec 27, 2018 – since deleted) concerning Jillian's use of the bible.
1]  God destroyed all living things on the earth. (Gen 6:7)  That would include parasites.

2] Even if Jillian were to say parasites survived via Noah and his family, she would be contradicting what the Bible states, “These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, and perfect in his generations: Noah walked with God. (Gen 6:9),,, But I will establish my covenant with thee; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. (Gen 6:18)

Would god include Noah's family if they were imperfect, infested with parasites?

But again one needs to look at how Jillian approaches the bible.  Is she just appeasing her religious followers like above or does she think it a book of science?
“So the whole thing with biological sin, where science comes into play.  Every single PTSD and trauma, a mother or father are afflicted with.  Well if it is not corrected and taken care of as soon as possible.  That sin, that violation of life because they did not take care of that issue, then gets passed down to every child there after.”

“Then it becomes a chain reaction of PTSD and it compounds, like compound interest.  So you figure that people today, after how many years of procreating on bodies that have been traumatized, what kind of issues people are dealing with,  Then look at FB,,,you will see the manifest ion of biological sin that happens all over humanity.”

WTF do you think PTSD is?  Victim blame much?  Don't answer that!!

And BTW Jillian, sin is something one intentionally does in violation of god's law – of which there are 613 laws listed in the OT. 

PTSD is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it.  Trauma can mean one of two things, a deeply distressing or disturbing experience or a physical injury.  They are three distinct concepts, only one of which blame of any sort, can be placed solely on the victim.

Sin does not equate to trauma just because you say it does.
And JJ does not “take care of” trauma. Last I looked in the mirror, I am not a C. elegans nematode (roundworm)
“The whole thing with JJ is that it does bring us back to Adam and Eve in a lot of ways.  There will be a lot of Adams and Eves out there if they decide to fix all the degenerational PTSD.  That's what the JJ is attempting to do.  It doesn't matter when you sustained that PTSD, it could be from since Adam.  Or from Genghis Khan, he was a descendant from Adam too and Eve.”

“If we're going to find original humans. And there probably a lot of original humans.  I don't think there is only one Adam and Eve and that was it.  There may have been a lot of original humans [slight pause – looking at the ceiling while she comes up with some bullshit] because there was a lot of bacteria, there wasn't just one bacteria on this earth that merged with another bacteria then  fertilizing and creating life and then evolved.  There was a lot of bacteria, a lot of things – components, that made up a human. Cause there's a lot of animals, a lot of amoebas, and nematodes all these different things that eventually over time then evolved.”

“Now people want to nelieve that there were aliensthat came down onto earth then inhabited the earth then somebody, the Annunaki went in and massed with their genes.  OK, that's fine either way, no matter what, something created the aliens. I dont believe things spontaneously just appeared and now you have a human It comes from something.”

SO,,, let me get this straight, you say Jillian, you come from the platform of science.  Why are you prattling on about Adam and his clone Eve?

You cant have it both way Jillian, it's either Adam and Eve or a lot of original humans (what I assume she means is evolution).

BTW,,, Bacteria do not reproduce via fertilization.  “Bacteria reproduce by binary fission. In this process the bacterium, which is a single cell, divides into two identical daughter cells. Binary fission begins when the DNA of the bacterium divides into two (replicates). The bacterial cell then elongates and splits into two daughter cells each with identical DNA to the parent cell. Each daughter cell is a clone of the parent cell.”

If you don't accept the manner in which life appeared, then you are not coming from the “platform of science.”  I don't know what your angle is besides one big ole grift, but it ain't science.  As one critic reminded me, you get an adrenaline rush when you fool people!

[Please note that origins and evolution are often conflated by critics to be the same thing.  While we do not have a definitive theory concerning origins, how life actually began, we have many plausible hypotheses.

Evolution, OTOH, does not depend on origins.  Evolution, as a theory, has been shown to be fact.  It is true whether god  created, the Annunaki manipulated, or we came forth from biological soup.  It doesn't matter how life began, evolution does not address that issue.  Evolution addresses change over time.

Regretfully it is difficult to parse out exactly which Jillian is addressing.]

“So when you understand that when a human decomposes into the earth, the spirit,,,The physical body gets recycled back into the earth and the the spirit, the data, all of that trauma now that energy is floating around in the universe and people talk about reincarnation,,, So where everything has a spirit, and I would say every single system and organ in your body has some kind of virus/spirit that will upgrade or downgrade based upon weaknesses or strength.  So everything has a spirit. This was made from elements, it has a spirit.”
She is literally holding up what appears to be a post-it notepad.  A fucking piece of paper.

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