Wednesday, June 15, 2022

TWATs25 For Week Ending 6/12/22


So I received this comment::

It’s hard to tell, but it sure does sound like you may be making excuses for the mentally-deranged’s active debasement and predation on kids in our Schools. If so, you are despicable. ....and FYI the actual words *”...separation of Church and State” -DO NOT EVEN EXIST IN THE CONSTITUTION, and —we ARE a CHRISTIAN NATION. Maybe there is a Country for you somewhere that worships Lucifer.

For those that think I am “ making excuses for the mentally-deranged’s active debasement and predation on kids in our Schools.” [sic] Congratulations, you have successfully weaponized the word “grooming” to create a new boogeyman to demonize and stigmatize queer and trans identity.

Being LGBTQ+ IS NOT a mental illness; there is no link between sexual predation and LGBTQ+ people.

The comment is correct “separation of Church and State” does not appear in the Constitution. But,,, the idea has a long history beginning in 1635 with Roger Williams. In 1802 it continued with Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association. And finalized (so to speak) in the 1947 case Everson v. Board of Education, the Court cited a direct link between Jefferson’s “wall of separation” concept and the First Amendment’s establishment clause.

Bear in mind, the only reference to religion in the Constitution is in Article VI: “No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” IOWs, political power in the United States may never be limited to people of one faith – a necessary condition for a “Christian nation” – but must be open to people of all faiths or none.

While this is a Reader Digest version, I strong suggest you study American history related to said topic(s) BEFORE you accuse me of being despicable.

First an update concerning Texas.

A court in Texas granted a temporary restraining order Friday, which blocks the state’s child protective services from investigating PFLAG families that allow their trans children to receive gender-affirming health care.


The Travis County District Court’s ruling will stop the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) from investigating the parents involved in the suit, according to a news release from the organizations. For those families, if they are contacted by the agency, they will only need to provide information on their PFLAG membership.


That families will be protected from invasive, unnecessary, and unnerving investigations by DFPS simply for helping their transgender children thrive and be themselves is a very good thing,” Brian K. Bond, executive director of PFLAG National, said in the release. “However, let’s be clear: These investigations into loving and affirming families shouldn’t be happening in the first place. PFLAG National and our chapters throughout Texas remain committed to ensuring every transgender Texan is safe, empowered, and can thrive.”

As noted, “weaponizing the child-welfare system against loving families causes irreparable harm.”

What I find fascinating with assholes such as Awes, the need for the most graphic of executions. They should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head! That’s what God teaches. That’s what the Bible says.”

Uhm,,, Where exactly does the Bible state such? It sure ain't Romans 1:23-28.

As Hemant notes,

Needless to say, there’s literally no evidence for any of the claims he’s making about gay people. He doesn’t provide them because they don’t exist. And even though none exist, it doesn’t matter, because he’s not interested in facts. Awes just wants to rile up his congregation with unfiltered hate speech because what are his other options? Preaching about the love of Christ? No thank you.

New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preachers like these always insist they’re not encouraging vigilantism. They insist they’re not asking anyone to pull a trigger themselves. They get mad when people say they’re calling for the murder of gay people. That’s not true, they claim. They’re just saying that, in a righteous world, the government would do their faith-based dirty work for them.

And as a reminder, this is the same church of Jonathan Shelley who appeared at an Arlington City Council meeting to push back at recognizing Pride Month; now 3 weeks ago


It started with Paul Gosar and then traversed the depths of the GQP reaching the lips of Michele Fiore. As Alex Bollinger states, “A Republican elected official in Nevada is joining the chorus of GOP politicians who are trying to deflect blame for mass shootings from guns to transgender people.”


A bit of comic relief but,,, this is why FOXNews can not be taken seriously.

If you remember, Rachel Hamm is the woman that claimed that Jesus appeared in her closet and told her to run for secretary of state in California as a Republican. Thankfully she lost, badly. (As of Thursday, she has 389,583 votes, trailing both fellow Republican Rob Bernosky (660,229) and Democratic incumbent Shirley N. Weber (1.98 million votes).)

But in true GQP fashion, a la Kandiss Taylor,

The blatant hypocrisy is mind-blowing although I should not be surprised. Greene's decision to employ Yiannopoulos is a stunt that fits her strategy to attract media attention and troll her colleagues. She is all about headlines, fuck everything else. Milo best be careful he doesnt outshine his boss or he will find himself unemployed again.

And finally,,,

There is hitting the bottom of the barrel, when Gaetz said that he would rather give Nancy Pelosi a sponge bath than eat dinner with Adam Schiff.

And then there is becoming the scum dredged out of the septic system. Implying some personal psychological imbalance due to the suicide of Jaime Raskin’s son.

In the end, AOC sums it up well.

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