This post contains original video!!
Another comment:
We need to stop giving months or days to subgroups. By doing so, remake offshore of the differences. Back in my 20's I was in an area with a lot of homosexuality men. I always supported them, in the belief that they should have the same rights as heterosexual. I believed that if they had a job with benefits to them and their families. Now, years later, I feel like those people are now trying to punish people that don't are white to eye with them. They have weapons their support. Now they do things like force people with different ideas, to accept their ideas, and they try to brainwash their children. They make fun of others at times, exactly as they used to complain about how people treated them. The problem is that they are showing a future in which people will again find homosexuality to be a disorder, and homosexuals will again have to go back in the closet, to avoid violent retribution. Instead of enjoying their new found freedoms, they are trying to fight a war in which will bring about hatred and again towards them. Keep acting the way that you have been, and you will end up bringing out crazy, violent people to action against you. I really do not want to see that, but....
So IOWs what you are
saying is stay in your own lane!! I'm sorry, being told I should be
jailed or executed because I love differently than so-called normies,
is morally repugnant.
Creaky Blinder recently published this
wonderful take down of Matt Powell.
Highly recommend!!
While Burns didnt explicitly call for the execution of LGBT individuals, the original video , demonstrates “conclusively that Burn was not answering 'two separate questions' but rather delivered one statement in which he laid out his view that those who are supposedly destabilizing the United States and undermining the Constitution need to be executed for treason.”
He went full Goodwin when comparing his interpretation of events to Nazis indoctrination of children in the 1920s and 30s.
This week, talking to conservative podcasters Diamond and Silk, Burns expressed his frustration at how his hateful comments had been reported.
If the shoes fit dude, get comfy wearing them!!
I have had many critics express dismay over my interest in hate preaching, stating I should ignore it. I have had some go so far as stating they have “NEVER heard of such verbiage, it can't be true.” Or my personal fav, “well my church doesn't believe that” or “they're not True Christians.”
This next story is why I track the hate as I do!! from seven law enforcement agencies, responders from two federal agencies, multiple armored vehicles, a negotiating team and a police helicopter took part in the arrest Friday morning of a North Whidbey man who had been posting online comments about killing gay people and seemed to be especially fixated on the June 18 Anacortes Pride Parade, according to police.
The officers took 27-year-old Tyler R. Dinsmoor into custody on a $1 million warrant at his home on Lyon Road without incident, according to Oak Harbor Police Chief Kevin Dresker.
Dresker said the massive show of law enforcement was due to the nature of Dinsmoor’s online comments, which included violent vitriol aimed at the LGBTQ community and ominous posts about the gay pride parade. The chief said officers were also aware that Dinsmoor owns guns.
It gets worse,,,
In various posts, Dinsmoor wrote that God hates gay people, that “sodomites all deserve to die,” that he wants the death penalty for all gay people and that “all homosexuals are child-rapists in wait, and all (every single one) should be put to death immediately,” the report states. He called another online commenter “a (slur for homosexual) sympathizer worthy of death.” He wrote that “it’s not murder if it’s a justified killing.”
Hemant Mehta illustrates well Dinsmoor's online vitriol. Most importantly, Dinsmoor is NIFBY. “One thing that’s gone unmentioned in all of the news coverage surrounding his arrest, however, is how he may have been radicalized by his church.”
Dinsmoor is affiliated with hate preacher Aaron Thompson of Sure Foundation Baptist Church, which is in Vancouver, WA.
Who is preacher Aaron Thompson? He’s a guy who’s repeatedly called for the murder of LGBTQ people. He always insists the government ought to do it, as a way to distance himself from promoting vigilantism, but the fear from critics like me has always been that’s his followers would take action on their own in order to please their God. Thompson might not pull the trigger, but he’s indirectly encouraging others to do it.
Just look at the dates of these sermon clips, all from May. They line up with the time Dinsmoor was posting or making many of his own threats. (See Hemant's article, wonderful resource.)
As I stated many years ago, people like Dinsmoor are no longer fringe. All one needs to do is listen to the hate being preached on a 24/7 basis. Sadly our government is doing jack-shit. The SCOTUS, is of late, is catering to the Reich.
This is what happens since the GQP have made statements decrying drag queens being allowed near kids.
A Vermont resident could be facing jail time after threatening a local school if his daughter becomes near a transgender person or drag queen at her school. The man is Shane Gobeil and he threatened to “show up and kill somebody” when conversing with two students of the school in a New Hampshire store.
“The school’s changing,” Gobeil said. “Before you know it, there’s going to be a drag queen show and, you know what, I’m probably going to show up and kill somebody. A lot of bodies.”
“You understand?” he said. “If you guys ever do that to Canaan and my daughter’s in that school, be ready for God’s wrath.”
This isn’t the first time he’s been a menace to Canaan Schools. Around the same time when he threatened the schools and the LGBTQ community, he was cited for trespassing on school property and found harassing students, parents, and staff about mask mandates.
If Uvalde is any indication of the GQP taking responsibility for what their rhetoric produces, I'm afraid this is going to become tragic.
Before jumping into this next story, a few things about VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System).One, “VAERS is not the way to determine causation. In fact, it’s not even a good way to determine correlation. At the very best, VAERS contains observational information that functions as a safety signal for the FDA and CDC, who have the resources and epidemiologists who can use other methods to determine if there is a correlation, and possible causation, between a vaccine and an adverse event.” As noted by Skeptical Raptor, “most of the so-called “VAERS data” used by the anti-vaccine activists are analyzed by amateurs, who have never taken an epidemiology or statistics course.”
Two, VAERS data cannot be used to ascertain the difference between coincidence and true causality. VAERS tells us that there might be a problem, but it lacks specificity.
Three, VAERS is self reported. “VAERS reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Reports to VAERS can also be biased. As a result, there are limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.”
Any conclusion based upon VAERS data needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I only mention this as Del Bigtree is at the forefront as whom RoJo is speaking to. Bigtree is the biggest AVer in the US.
Rojo's little hissy-fit is a perfect example of how not to use VAERS. RoJo shows the VAERS numbers and immediately jumps to the conclusion that "it's pretty obvious" that over 28,000 people died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) which was caused by the COVID vaccines. No, RoJo, it doesn't show anything like that.
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