Sunday, July 13, 2014

PA Humanist Conference by Sane Spirit - GoFundMe

I have been pondering whether to put this out there, but here goes,,,

I would like to attend this convention as I have determined I need to network within the regional/state community more than I do; I have much more to learn and much I would like to offer but don't know how.

My issue is funding. So I am going to be bold and ask for donations to help with the cost, the biggest being hotel ($600) and food ($??) - I will be taking a cooler to minimize cost but expect that socializing will take place over food and drink (although I really don't drink). Travel should be about $150.

To be on the safe side I am figuring I will need a grand total of $1500 ($300 of this amount covers the 4 days of lost wages as I do not have paid time off), less if I am able to find someone willing to share a room and deal with my insane sleep patterns.**

The worst that can happen by putting out this plea is that my GoFundMe account stays at zero. The best, that I will be able to attend without financial worries.

Thank you!

PA Humanist Conference by Sane Spirit - GoFundMe

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