If one remembers in the Hobby Lobby case one "question" not really addressed was the factual science of the 4 contraceptives at the heart of the suit. In other words, the competing claims of "abortion causing or not." This issue wasn't considered partly due to competing definitions of what "an abortion" is.
The owners of the companies involved in these cases and others who believe that life begins at conception regard these four methods as causing abortions, but federal regulations, which define pregnancy as beginning at implantation,,,do not so classify them."What the Susan B. Anthony List has done, like the Greens et al, is embrace "a definition of “abortion” that includes contraceptives that prevent pregnancy and contend that tax breaks to help Americans purchase health insurance amount to funding abortion."
Granted this suit is a strict First Amendment issue, but with the overbearing agenda of the Reich, one never knows. Then there is the current 5-4 split of the SCOTUS to consider.
The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that an anti-abortion group could challenge an Ohio law barring knowingly false statements in political campaigns.
“Petitioners have alleged a credible threat of enforcement,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote. “When an individual is subject to such a threat, an actual arrest, prosecution, or other enforcement action is not a prerequisite to challenging the law.”
The decision clears the way for Susan B. Anthony List, a group that opposes abortion, to preemptively challenge an Ohio law barring knowingly false speech in political campaigns. During the 2010, election, the group attempted to purchase a billboard accusing pro-life Ohio Democratic Rep. Steven Driehaus of voting for “taxpayer funded abortion” when he supported the Affordable Care Act. Federal funds for abortions have been barred since the 1970s, but conservatives have embraced a definition of “abortion” that includes contraceptives that prevent pregnancy and contend that tax breaks to help Americans purchase health insurance amount to funding abortion.
Supreme Court clears way for First Amendment challenge | MSNBC
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