Friday, October 31, 2014

The gift that keeps on giving, the Reich that is,,,

Religious Right Pundit: Marriage Equality Paves The Way For Adult-Child Marriages
Anti-gay activist Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Action appeared on Voice of Christian Youth America’s “In Focus” talk show with host Jim Schneider several weeks ago to discuss the implications of recent same-sex marriage rulings across the country, including one in Wisconsin, warning viewers that a “redefinition” of marriage would erode America’s moral compass and lead to the sanctioning and acceptance of other “sexual sins.”

“The nature of sexual sin is, it kind of wraps its cords around you until you become completely identified by it,” she explained. “That’s when the giving up happens, because you become sort of ensnared by it, and it defines the people. And that’s when people are ripe to have their conscience seared, and they are no longer able to distinguish between right and wrong and good and bad.”

Schneider later chimed in with the well-worn slippery slope argument, claiming that same-sex marriage sets a precedent for legalizing pedophilia and polygamy.
So I'm a bit confused in regards to Halloween.  Is it good or bad?
Kirk Cameron Urges Christians To Celebrate Halloween By Sharing The Gospel
"Halloween gives you a great opportunity to show how Christians celebrate the day that death was defeated, and you can give them Gospel tracts and tell the story of how every ghost, goblin, witch and demon was trounced the day Jesus rose from the grave. Clearly no Christians ought to be glorifying death, because death was defeated, and that was the point of All Hallows Eve."
But then we have this,,,
Warning: 'Very Demonic, Very Evil'Halloween Is Approaching
Jennifer LeClaire, the news editor of the Religious Right magazine “Charisma,” said today that while we can have fun on Halloween, we should watch out because it is a “very demonic, very evil” occasion.

While speaking with the American Family Association’s Tim Wildmon and Ed Vitagliano about the “dangers” of Halloween, LeClaire warned that Halloween is a Satanic druid holiday.
And this,,,
Tony Perkins: Halloween 'Can Be Very Dangerous' Due To Demonic Influences
“It’s a good point,” Perkins said. “I think you’re right, I think a lot of people get locked into this and they don’t realize that this is real, there is a spiritual dimension,” he added, citing Ephesians 6:12.

“I think people, I don’t think it’s intentional in many cases but in some cases it may be, but I mean people are drawn into this and it can be very dangerous,” he added.
Duck Dynasty's Alan Robertson: US Turning Into Nazi Germany
“When I first heard about this and when you and I talked, I was just like, is this 2014 America or is this 1930s Germany that we’re living in? I mean, it was shocking and appalling,” Robertson said, warning that “our spiritual and religious liberties” are under attack.

He later told Perkins that “the Evil One” is coming after his family and others who are criticized for “telling the truth.”

Robertson and his father will both be participating in the FRC pre-election event “I Stand Sunday” later this week in Houston.
Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation Leader: Church-State Separation 'The Death Knell For Our Nation'
In a radio interview this week, Lea Carawan, director of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, warned that the separation of church and state is part of a liberal plan to “ruin America” and will be “the death knell for our nation.”

Carawan, whose group’s advisory board includes several members of Congress, told Arizona-based host Josh Bernstein this week that the American people and many churches have “bought into a very insidious lie, which is the misapplication, misinformation regarding that phrase, ‘the separation of church and state.’”

“That is the death knell for our nation,” she said. “If the church of God, if the Christians do not engage in the public square and do not see that as their responsibility, their right and responsibility, then those that do not believe like us will absolutely fill the void. And what people don’t understand is that every nation will reflect somebody’s values. And up until now, it’s reflected Judeo-Christian values because the Christians have held to it and they’ve protected it every single generation. But if we do not protect it in our generation, if we buy this lie and we back out of the public square like we have for a decade or several decades now, we will find that we no longer have a free Republic. The threat is very real.”
Root: Obama Is Either 'Incompetent Or Mentally Ill' And America Won't Survive Unless He Is Removed From Office
Today we discovered that right-wing pundit, activist, crackpot, and conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root has been producing weekly video commentaries for several years now through which he spreads his reasonable beliefs that President Obama is the "greatest scam artist in history" and declares that "we have a sociopath in the White House."

Last month, Root decided to take on the pressing issue of whether America could have defeated the Nazis during World War II if President Obama had been in charge, concluding, not surprisingly, that we would have lost the war and "we would all be speaking German right about now."

This question is extremely relevant today, Root explained, because "World War III may have already started with Russia or ISIS or China or all of the above plotting to destroy America" and we don't even realize it.  As such, Republicans must immediately remove Obama from office because otherwise this nation simply will not survive the remainder of his term.
Santorum: Christians Must Fight 'Persecution' In America To Stop Us From Turning Into Nazi Germany
Rick Santorum recently stopped by the Christian Post for an interview about his latest film, "One Generation Away," which is about the supposed persecution of Christians in America.

While admitting that "persecution" in America today is nothing like what Christians in the Middle East are facing, Santorum warned that Christians in the U.S. must nevertheless remain vigilant because the sort of deadly persecution faced by Christians around the world does not just happen overnight.

The slide toward wholesale persecution is a process, Santorum said, pointing to Nazi Germany to argue that just as the Jews in that country found it "unfathomable" that anything like the Holocaust could ever happen, so too does it seem unfathomable that anything like that could ever happen in America.
Tony Perkins: Gay Rights Part Of Population Control Agenda
On yesterday’s edition of “Washington Watch,” Tony Perkins returned to one of his favorite talking points about how gay rights are part of a population control conspiracy to extinguish the human race.

A listener called in to tell the Family Research Council president that he thinks the reason homosexuality is “promoted is because it doesn’t lead to reproduction and that’s why it’s promoted. There’s this anti-life agenda, there’s a total anti-human, anti-life, human beings are a virus, type of mentality.”

Perkins responded that the caller was “absolutely correct,” saying that he once wrote about how “climate change alarmists and those who are pushing population control” actually “promote homosexuality” because “there’s no procreation there.”
 My head hurts and that is not even half of it,,,

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