Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pro-life group turns up heat on Christian college with pro-choice professor

I have been kind of watching this story to see what may or may not come from it. It is not so much the issue of abortion that interests me but the obvious "persecution" professor Fiebig is experiencing. Very strange though, the Reich isn't clamoring to protect one of its own.
Following pressure on his Christian college from a pro-life group, a professor has apparently recanted the muddled views on abortion he articulated in a campus forum.

That’s not good enough for Created Equal, which started a petition campaign against Indiana Wesleyan University demanding that the school “not tolerate pro-abortion professors.”

As The College Fix previously reported, IWU professor Greg Fiebig called himself “equally pro-choice and pro-life” in the “Life vs. Choice” forum in November, which provoked Created Equal’s social-media campaign against him.

Fiebig said he had “cognitive dissonance” on abortion, calling himself personally pro-life but unwilling to impose that view on those without the same moral underpinnings and beliefs.

Fiebig followed up with a letter to the editor of The Sojourn, the campus newspaper, sharing that he and his wife considered an abortion during a troubled pregnancy. He said free will means “people still have the right to choose” abortion even if it’s immoral.

The clamor led IWU President David Wright to publish a statement last month saying the school is “firmly opposed to abortion,” without acknowledging Created Equal’s pressure.

Citing a “faculty member” he didn’t name, Wright said there was “confusion” about the school’s stance, which comes from the Wesleyan Church’s doctrinal statements against abortion.

IWU faculty must sign a statement every year “indicating their agreement with the doctrines” of the denomination, though they are “encouraged to explore all relevant perspectives on the issue under discussion,” Wright said.

The “faculty member whose comments are at the heart of the current confusion” has clarified to the administration that “he believes wholeheartedly in the sanctity of human life and is in agreement with the position of the Wesleyan Church and the university,” Wright said.
This one statement though did strike me as odd, Dr. Fiebig’s abuse of Scripture is apparent." The Bible does not explicitly speak of abortion, although some interpret Numbers 5:24 (drinking of the "bitter water"), Hosea 13:16 and 2 Kings 15:16 "pregnant women ripped open" etc. to be supportive of the pro-choice view. And, the Bible does not deal with the question of when life begins. Other than Genesis 2:7 (the breath of life into Adam's nostrils), the Bible says nothing about the process of conception, pregnancy, and birth. So who is abusing which Bible?

Pro-life group turns up heat on Christian college with pro-choice professor

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