Monday, January 26, 2015

Tony Perkins Regrets Direct Election Of Senators Because It Led To Gay Marriage | Right Wing Watch

Having voters instead of state lawmakers elect senators, Perkins lamented, “had a drastic impact upon judicial appointees that the Senate has signed off on that overturned state laws, like we’ve seen this rash of overturning these state marriage amendments, that never would’ve happened if these senators who approved these judges were still held accountable to state legislatures.”
If you think he is kidding about wanting to eliminate the 17th Amendment, he is not. It goes back to what I wrote in regards to the Hobby Lobby decision:

When one looks at the decision rendered by SCOTUS it has to be through the lens of the Reich's overall agenda - starting with a "reformed" interpretation of the Free Exercise Clause or an outright repeal of the First Amendment, continuing with the abolition of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ending with the implementation of dominionist ideology in order to govern by theocratic control. With the ruling in Hobby Lobby, the Reich will "now" be able to exempt themselves from any laws that they don’t like; that they find “religiously objectionable.”
We already know that voting rights are under attack by the Reich, this would just be another weapon in their arsenal. Pay particular attention to what he says about judicial appointments. That is their endgame:
Not a single justice appointed by either President Bill Clinton or President Barack Obama sided with Hobby Lobby. It was indeed only the justices appointed by socially conservative presidents who voted to keep women trapped in a bygone era. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, because both sides of the aisle have been saying for the last few election cycles how important it is with our aging Supremes to have someone in the position to nominate justices of an ideological bent they agree with, and the proof of that concept is in Citizens United, McCutcheon v. FEC, and now the Hobby Lobby case. These narrow decisions will have a lasting impact on American society, and they are decisions made by men who have not been in power for decades in some cases, a half decade in one case.
Tony Perkins Regrets Direct Election Of Senators Because It Led To Gay Marriage | Right Wing Watch

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