Friday, July 8, 2016

Lord RayEl Is an Internet Deity Who Demands Worship | Motherboard

This so-called "Lord RayEl" has popped on my radar before in regards to the bizarre behavior of Adam Muema.

Lord RayEl is a lot like General Zod from Superman: Both demand submission from their followers, and both speak in absolutist and vengeful terms, in accents mimicking British aristocracy. In videos and on his website, he is referred to as RayEl, Ray-El, and Ra-el (it’s not explained, but I suspect this latter one is because the “RayEl” URL was already taken). His teachings can be summarized as Christian love (difficult to argue with) and a need to pay tithes to Lord RayEl (easier to argue with), along with an intractable loathing for business magnate George Soros (RayEl would like you to believe that Soros is the Antichrist and “puppet master of the new world order”).
To enter the world of Lord RayEl is to plunge headlong into the strangest enclaves of the internet, the fevered and fanatical, the blogs nobody reads and the videos nobody watches—sites with names like “,” “Armageddon Broadcast Network,” and “Mystery of the Iniquity.” You will sift through profiles bearing the same dodgy Photoshop composite picture, softly focused and superimposed on creamy white, indicating membership of the “Ecumenical Order of Christ”—I gather that RayEl rewards his followers with these pictures after they sign up. 
Lord RayEl indicates no endgame apart from apocalypse. He instills fear in his followers by taking credit for meteorological phenomena, with cries of “Armageddon armageddon armageddon!” and claims to inspire solar flares, mysterious sounds, and plagues of volcanic ash which rain upon sinners. In one video, he also claims to have had something to do with the Arab Spring. He is not too proud to ask for retweets, saying “Spread the videos virally, and stop being stupid. And get into one of his churches, now.”
Lord RayEl Is an Internet Deity Who Demands Worship | Motherboard

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