Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Will Smith’s privately-funded school crumbles under revelations of Scientology connections

When Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith opened their privately-funded school in Calabasas California back in 2008, it received quite a bit of media attention. The school soon became the subject of controversy when parents complained that they were misled about some of the curriculum that was being implemented — namely a teaching technique called “Study Technology” — a method that was devised by none other than L. Ron Hubbard.

But amazingly, the next chapter in the school’s troubled history managed stay relatively below the radar of the press. On June 28 of this year, New Village Leadership Academy was quietly shut down, apparently closing its doors for good.

No official reason has been given for the school’s closure (of which both the Smith children attended) and the famous Hollywood couple hasn’t spoken a word about it to this day. But sources say that the school began to run into funding problems after parents got wind of its Scientology groundwork, leaving Will and Jada to pump in $2 million a year of their own money just to keep the facilities afloat.

Will Smith’s privately-funded school crumbles under revelations of Scientology connections

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