Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Trying to save face,,,

Claims the “floaties” are Lactobacillus and it is a live drink with CFUs “That's not mold but CFUs”

(0-:36) What do you, Jillian Epperly, think CFUs measure?

Individual colonies of bacteria, yeast or mold - ie a mass of individual cells. For molds, a colony is a group of hyphae (filaments) of the same mold growing together. Colony forming units are used as a measure of the number of microorganisms present in or on surface of a sample. Colony forming units may be reported as CFU per unit weight, CFU per unit area, or CFU per unit volume depending on the type of sample tested. http://www.moldbacteriaconsulting.com/fungi/colony-forming-units-cfu.html

CFU is a unit of measure!! Each colony is assumed to have grown from a single colony-forming unit, or CFU.

(:37-:52) This is Lactobacillus which is a byproduct of,,, what Jillian? (She states correctly @ 3:10 that lactic acid is a by-product)

The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of Gram positive bacteria, non-respiring, non-spore forming, cocci or rods, which produce lactic acid as the major end product of the fermentation of carbohydrates. So it is actually lactic acid which is the by product of Lactobacillus.

One point to bear in mind, you do not specify which genus, species, and strain of Lactobacillus. Historically, bacteria from the Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus and Streptococcus are the main species involved. Several more have been identified, but play a minor role in lactic fermentations. Leuconostoc mesenteroides is a bacterium associated with the sauerkraut and pickle fermentations is the most prevalent. http://www.fao.org/3/x0560e/x0560e10.htm As noted in a previous post

"You need all three to get it right. This matters because when scientists research how well probiotics work for a health condition, they use very specific types." There are over 180 strains of Lactobacillus.

And no, salt does not create lactobacillus!!

Historically, the main reason for the addition of salt to food was for preservation,,, 

For some foods, sodium still plays a role in reducing the growth of pathogens and organisms that spoil products and reduce their shelf life. In other applications, sodium levels remain high because salt plays additional functional roles, such as improving texture. A number of other sodium-containing compounds are also used for increasing the safety and shelf life of foods or creating physical properties.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK50952/

A general rule of thumb 2-3% brine salinity, which is what is required, is reached by 4 cups water (960 grams – 32 oz ) + 1-1 ½ TBSP Salt (1 TBS = 19 grams – .67ounce) Please note that Sea Salt, Kosher Salt, Pickling Salt will render differently as to exact measurements. JJ comes in at approximately 2.8%-3% brine salinity; almost sea water(3-3.2%). You don't drink sea water!! Saline solution, that she often refers to, is .9%. (Note that measurements are approximations and should be done by weight.)

So whether there is Lactobacillus present (or not). Whether her drink is probiotic or not is a moot point! It goes back to ingesting the amount of salt required for her fermentation, whether 2% or 10% salinity. (The general range used for fermenting based on what you are fermenting. Harder more dense veggies, like carrots, require a higher salinity.)

IOWs one generally!! does not consume the brining liquid

Again, these are guidelines – if you are fermenting in hot weather, or if your ferments end up more soft than you like, you should bump up the salinity level in your ferments.
(:53-1:53) Are you changing the recipe again Jillian - 1½ c cabbage?

Remember, initial recipe per book was 2c water + 2c cabbage/kale + 1TBSP PHS. Then she admitted to not following that recipe,

 (Since removed or deleted)

For as long as like forever as long as you mix and stir,,,

While it is difficult from pictures or video to discern whether Jillian is dealing with mold, Kahm yeast, or – as she claims – lactobacillus; it is a general rule of thumb DON’T EAT MOLDY FERMENTS, even if you can scrape the mold off the top, DON’T EAT IT. https://www.fermentingforfoodies.com/archives/1154
Mold is pretty obvious. It’s usually blue, green, or white. It’s fuzzy looking and floats on top of a ferment.  When you see mold on top of a ferment it’s the sporing body of the mold, and actually means that your entire ferment is contaminated.

While some molds (think cheese and tempeh) are fine to eat, the majority of the molds are NOT good to eat.  They can be toxic in all sorts of different ways.
Kahm yeast doesn’t taste great and doesn’t make for happy ferments.  However, unlike mold, it is not toxic.  If you find a layer of kahm yeast floating on top of your ferment, you can just skim it off.

I recommend eating a kahm yeast contaminated ferment pretty quickly after removal to prevent the yeast from growing back again.

Kahm yeast looks fairly different from mold.  It forms a layer that completely covers the top of a ferment, and you can usually see trapped air bubbles below the surface.

From personal experience, KY taste like acetone!!

(1:53-2:35) There is nothing bad in here, this has been tested by the food lab,,,

One batch of her brew was sent in. One batch does not support the claim that all subsequent batches are the same (being that she AGAIN changed her recipe (now 1 ½ - 2 c cabbage). she claims 13,000,000 CFUs,,, probiotics are 1-10 BILLION CFUs

Whether the food lab substantiates your claim of a probiotic is moot. As stated above, the amount of salt in your brine is toxic. As one making the claim, it is your burden to provide non redacted information supporting said claim(s). It is not our job to disprove your claim, it is your job to provide the evidence for your claim.

(2:36-3:54) It is not dangerous, it is not detrimental
While not fully false, it is misleading as current research suggests that utilizing a probiotic is or may be unnecessary in healthy individuals. IOWs people without Crohn's, Celiac, IBS, diarrhea cause by antibiotics, etc.

A closer look at the science underlying microbe-based treatments, however, shows that most of the health claims for probiotics are pure hype. The majority of studies to date have failed to reveal any benefits in individuals who are already healthy. The bacteria seem to help only those people suffering from a few specific intestinal disorders. “There is no evidence to suggest that people with normal gastrointestinal tracts can benefit from taking probiotics,” says Matthew Ciorba, a gastroenterologist at Washington University in St. Louis. “If you're not in any distress, I would not recommend them.” Emma Allen-Vercoe, a microbiologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, agrees. For the most part, she says, “the claims that are made are enormously inflated.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-probiotics-really-work/

Evidence from clinical trials is mixed and often of low quality, but findings from meta-analyses suggest that probiotics can provide benefits in the treatment of some conditions, such as infectious and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. As such, taking probiotics after antibiotic treatment is an increasingly common practice. However, two studies recently reported in Cell question whether taking highly concentrated supplements of so-called good bacteria aids the recovery of normal gut flora. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(18)30415-1/fulltext

Studies in rodents and small groups of humans point to possible health benefits of consuming probiotics. But there have been only a few large human trials — in large part because Food and Drug Administration rules have dissuaded food companies and federally funded researchers from conducting the types of studies that could confirm, or refute, the proposed benefits of consuming “good” microbes. https://www.statnews.com/2016/01/21/probiotics-shaky-science/ (Remember studies that include humans are under very strict guidelines!) 

See also:: TheProbiotic Paradox: When Probiotics Fail or Even Do Harm – an ME/CFSPerspective

I hate beating a dead horse but 13,000,000 CFUs means shit in the world of probiotics

As I have already stated, the standard dosage of probiotic (of which there are over 500 strains) typically ranges between 1 billion and 10 billion CFUs daily for adults. You may find a particular type of probiotic helps with one problem. But this doesn't mean it'll help other problems, or that other types of probiotic will work just as well.

As a general rule, a probiotic should provide at least 1 billion CFUs (colony forming units, i.e., viable cells), with doses typically ranging between 1 billion and 10 billion CFUs daily for adults. This is explained in the Probiotic Supplements Review, which includes ConsumerLab.com's tests of popular probiotics. There are some exceptions to this: Doses as high as 100 billion CFUs or more are used in some situations, while doses for children and infants are sometimes below 1 billion. 
The specific dose will depend on the probiotic strain and the purpose for which it is taken. You can look this up in the "What to Consider When Using" section of the Review, where you will find the dose and strain(s) used in preventing/treating antibiotic-associated diarrhea, IBS, anxiety, depression, allergies, and more. Be aware that probiotic supplements may contain a single type of organism or a combination of many types. 

Combinations have been more effective in some situations, but single strain products have also been effective, so it is not clear that one is better than the other. Details about the clinical studies are found in the "What It Does" section of the Review. https://www.consumerlab.com/answers/how-many-cells-or-cfus-should-my-probiotic-have/probiotic-cells-CFU/

Repeating the same bullshit doesn't make it true.

Stating in a video (4/15/2019) - Jillian is suing a blogger) since removed or deleted (which I have a copy down-loaded), "Just because a bunch of people have the same belief system doesn't make it true. It just means that people believe shit that they don't know anything about,,, I don't care what your belief system is. I don't care if you don't like the salt, I don't care if you think this is killing people. I don't care what you think,,,”

The issue of Bruce Wilmot's death aside and the over arching scope of said small claims filing also ignored (as this is an active case I will not speak directly to the facts of the case until a decision is rendered.) Jillian doesn't understand that science is NOT decided in a the court of opinion nor a court room. Science is not a belief system, you either accept science or you don't. There is no cherry-picking allowed.

(3:55-4:12) Feeding to plants

WTF would live active cultures do for a plant? Obviously Jillian is not aware that salt water prevents osmosis, drawing water out of plants thereby killing them. Hence the Ghost Forest in Washington state (Copalis Crossing, Washington) from an earthquake on January 26, 1700 that caused the ground to sink 6' plunging the root system into sea water (43:32-53:37) As Nick puts it, “death by salt water poisoning.”

As noted in a subsequent conversation, “'Salting the earth' [has] been used to starve people by rendering land infertile for thousands of years, you’d think she wouldn’t be recommending people use her slop on plants.”

Actually I would, considering her acceptance of the Georgia Guidestones.

(3:55-4:25) JJ is a poison no matter how you look at it,,,
Again, repeating a claim that it is not doesn't make the statement true

Poisons are substances that cause disturbances in organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when an organism absorbs a sufficient quantity.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison “Too much sodium can cause dangerous, even fatal effects. When there's too much sodium in the bloodstream, water rushes out of our cells to dilute it. That's damaging to most cells; it's devastating to brain cells. As they shrink, they're torn away from their usual locations. Torn blood vessels and fluid build-up in the brain cause seizures and coma. Fluid can build up in the lungs, causing trouble breathing. Other symptoms include intense thirst, nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Kidney damage also occurs.” https://www.poison.org/articles/2013-sep/sodium-too-much-of-a-good-thing

(4:26-6:22) Your not going to balance any electrolytes if one is shitting their brains out.

As I have stated before, salt poisoning an hypernatremia are two different beasts. But as noted salt poisoning can lead to hypernatemia. Your solution Jillian is to drink more water, the issue with that suggestion can then lead to hyponatremia
The purpose of the colon is to re-absorb water before defecation, by causing or initiating what you call “waterfalls.” you are not allowing the body to function properly. You are changing the “laws of the body”

The ill effects of hypernatremia are primarily caused by cell shrinkage and damage in the brain. Our fluids and electrolytes occupy different spaces within our bodies, both inside and outside our cells. When there is an imbalance between water and chemical levels (“osmolality”) in one space and another, the laws of chemistry require water to move such that balance is restored. Simply put, if there is too much sodium outside the brain cells, water will flow out to right this discrepancy, causing the cells to shrink. Confusion, jitteriness, seizures, coma, and death can result if things aren’t corrected. “https://www.thedailybeast.com/when-table-salt-becomes-poison

(Caveat 1 gallon of soy has approximately 223,000 mgs salt. Approximately 5 X that of JJ. While the soy hoax appears to be a one time consumption goal, drinking a gallon of JJ per day is what is prescribed.)

Please note I have purposely left off discussing autophagy and the prostagladin hormone as the learning curve is above my pay grade. My general premise is the actual presence of lactobacillus, which is questionable. Second, the amount of salt consumed by drinking the brine is so high, it renders any positive claims moot.

(6:23-8:42) While you may think this change or as you put it “pain is healing” is good and part of the healing process
This post like many other's are becoming redundant.


Because you, Jillian, are repeating the same bullshit, over and over again. Ignoring the BS surrounding “detox,” pain is not healing. As I have said numerous times, Mother Terasa should not be your role model.

I cringe every time she states such. I suffer from chronic pain but I also have an ankle that, well, I have now broken 4 times. The nerve and tendon damage is quite severe. Severe enough that I have, at times, considered having it amputated to stop the pain. That is not healing! That is my body telling me something is fucked up!!

(8:43-9:48) “Taste like pickle juice,,,”
Houston we have a problem,,, maybe! As my readers are aware, pickles come in many flavor profiles. Cucumbers can be “pickled” using vinegar or lacto-fermented. But they generally include other flavorings. So why is Jillian stating her brew taste like pickles?


For comparison, my brew which is fermented with proper salt plus garlic and hot pepper flakes; it is strained. This batch is from late December but, this particular glass has been sitting out for 10 days to see if any mold etc become apparent.

The cloudiness is from evaporation. When discarded on day 12, no mold was apparent and no off-putting odor. (PS I have been fermenting for 10-12 years. Not for health claims but different flavor profiles.)

I'm not getting into her snot diatribe,,, bottom line in her thought process, any foreign DNA mutates the body. If that where the case, eating is then verboten as we are consuming foreign DNA

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