The other participants, while victims of Jillian's scam, appear to be willing participants at this point and do everything possible to lick her ass in the process. The cat lady, from my POV, seems honestly upset by what transpired.
The initial OP
What is rather telling, this woman approached KVR, not Jillian or the group Jillian runs in conjunction to the purchase of her book.
While MKVs notion is a bit more reasonable, she is still poisoning her cat. Two people, one thread admitting to poisoning their cats.
"OF COURSE your vet is going to tell you that because they do NOT have this information to be able to understand this Protocol..." Sorry to tell you CM there is no secret that the amount of NaCl present (if made according to Jillian's recipe) will potentially have catastrophic effects. There is no amount of inane ramblings, from a woman who thinks picking poop out of her ass, that will justify feeding overly salt cabbage slop to an animal.
In response, DM states she actually supplied a copy of Jillian's book to the vet. Now according to Jillian that is all one needs as it holds all the answers. Obviously the vet, with all his years of schooling and experience does not agree with poop lady.
"Buy my book"
And notice the admission of poisoning another animal by CM!! That makes! three in one sub-thread!
Folks, this is the type of garbage one Jillian Epperly is preaching to her followers. While some appear to be licking Jillian's ass, some are questioning. What is distasteful is the backlash they receive from fellow minions. It is typical cult behavior.
Further down in another sub-thread, same OP, this comment emerged,
I suspect we will be seeing further fallout from this, and I suspect this may be way Jillian has so far remained fairly quiet today (10.4.2019).
One last thing, while I dont expect any of my readers will resort to this tactic, please DO NOT harass DM. She is a victim of undue influence, as are all the participants in this discussion.
1] JE is not an organization per se, unless you include how she runs her personal FB page and especially her group. When she involves other minions in her grooming attempts, it can be overwhelming for the victim.
2] JE does try to influence her minions with constant postings and numerous FBLive videos during the course of a day. She wants her minions thinking only of her and her so-called revelations, demanding they promote her slop
3] Demands dependence and obedience. While JE may say dont badger her, she herself demands attention which created a dependence. No qualms about publicly shaming or shunning a minion for some small infraction.
4] JE uses shaming well to influence her minions. While she may exert influence over psychological and health issue without any monetary gain. (Her book is moot) It's this point I suspect will change in the next month ie asking for donations.
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