Salt makes your body hold on to water. If you eat too much salt, the extra water stored in your body raises your blood pressure. So, the more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure.
The higher your blood pressure, the greater the strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain. This can lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia and kidney disease.
Salt poisoning or hypernatremia is high levels of sodium in the blood, which draws water out of the cells. The earliest and most common symptom is thirst. Other symptoms include fatigue, dry mouth, and restlessness or jitteriness. As the condition worsens a patient may have an increased heart rate, muscle spasms, or seizures. In severe cases coma, brain damage, or death may occur.
(Upon further research, it has been brought to my attention the salt poisoning and hypernatremia are the same thing. Salt poisoning being the more colloquial term, where as hypernatremia the medical term.)
So with that in mind these are some responses Jillian got from some of her minions to the question: “What's the symptom everyone experiences first on JJ?”
Now bear in mind she is not talking poisoning symptoms but what she terms “healing symptoms.”
As well as heaviness in legs and radiating pain in upper arms.
Jillian's list of "healing symptoms," highlighted symptoms are indicative of poisoning.
These are not “healing symptoms” folks! These are signs that you are poisoning yourself and causing damage. If you don't believe me, look it up for yourself. Ask our doctor.
Even James DiNicolantonio The Salt Fix only states consumption of 3000-6000mgs per day.
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