had no plans on covering Jillian's idiotic misinformation and scare
mongering concerning COVID-19. Besides an enormous learning curve, it disgusts me and angers me as I hope
it will you. Alas, I caved,,, she needs to STFU as do all the crank
wellness gurus.
this is not an exhaustive list of her statements, many will be highlighted for one reason or another. I have tried to leave
political divisions aside, now is not the time, but it does creep in.
Jeff Holiday noted in a recent video, concerning a segment on
Alex Jones, it is a “fear fetishism.” I would have to place
Jillian in that category as well. I believe she physically gets her
rocks off pumping out this bullshit information. Watching her minions
become scared of their own shadow makes her moist and tingly. I am sorry for the language but
that is my opinion – she is a sadist, among other things.
What we will discover by looking at Jillian's timeline,
What we will discover by looking at Jillian's timeline,
She starts slowly with her Corona misinformation ramping up as she
collates more information. She receives no push-back from her
Her blatant hatred toward the Chinese is obvious; although she tries
to hide it behind her dislike of communism and the regime in China.
That is, another issue better left alone for the moment; although,. it is central to some crazy shit she spouts
Basically, any one she deems less than herself is considered weak
and disposable – ie infants, the disabled, those with acute
or chronic illness such as cancer or diabetes, and the elderly.
I'm not sure whether it is a fixation or obsession but the thought of weak people being "recycled back into the universe" is a recurring theme.
She has not given up her con-nutter beliefs. Don't let her word
salads distract, she is a full-on conspiracy nut.
While initially (going back to 2017) I was willing to grant Killian
the benefit of the doubt, the past year has taught me otherwise. She
is not some uneducated twatwaffle trying to make a buck, she is
intentionally trying to harm people!!
6] She is willfully an idiot and plays one in real life.
could go on but I think y'all get my point.
I noted, Jillian's infatuation with COVID-19 started slowly in mid-ish January. There are
one or two mentions prior but she was still in the midst of her capitalism is great compared to communism/socialism rant. IOWS she came out as a Trumper, like that wasn't obvious.
not how vaccines work. Vaccines
prevent diseases by reducing the risk of infection by
working with the body’s natural defenses to safely develop immunity
to disease.
put, there
is no vaccine for COVID-19, although one is currently in Phase I trials.
(Entire article is worth the read.) As for Ebola, there are numerous
possibilities in development with only one approved in the United
States –
you will be dead. Jilly Juice offers no preventive action in regards
to COVID-19 nor any other medical crisis. To borrow from Skeptical Raptor,
And here we go again. The interwebs are filled with quacks trying to claim that they have something for boosting immunity to protect oneself from COVID-19. Of course, once you read that someone has the magical potion for boosting immunity, you can almost guarantee that it’s pseudoscience and woo.
Boosting immunity is always the go-to for scam artists whenever there is a deadly outbreak or pandemic like we are seeing now. The pseudoscience of the immune system is pernicious and possibly dangerous.
The problem with these immune system myths is that they overlook or ignore a basic physiological fact – the immune system is a complex interconnected network of organs, cells, and molecules that prevent the invasion of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of pathogens and other antigens every single day.
And no matter how much individuals try to trivialize the complexity of the immune system, it does not make it so. If it were easy as downing a handful of supplements or the magical blueberry-kale smoothie for boosting immunity to coronavirus or any disease, every physician in the world would prescribe.
Unfortunately, even if we could boost our immunity, we shouldn’t – a hyperactive immune system is frequently dangerous to an individual.
Yeah, the pseudoscience crowd doesn’t know their immune system.
Jillian also likes
to use the term “adapt”. I don't think know she knows she has no clue what that
means in regards to an evolutionary POV. Individuals do not evolve,
a species does.
While her idol's xenophobia related to Corona virus has only recently touched the news,
Jillian let her freak fly fairly early in this crisis. A point she should be sensitive to as an Asian American. Since her initial xenophobic postings, attacks against Asian American has increased.
As with any pandemic, people have been on high alert, postponing travel plans and practicing social distancing to try to prevent themselves from contracting the virus. But as more cases are reported each day, more misinformation and wide-spread panic have contributed to racially motivated attacks on people of Asian descent or anyone who looks East Asian.
Hate crime task forces have been responding to calls and social media users who have been posting videos and tweeting stories of attacks — both verbal and physical — that have been posted online to try to find perpetrators who’ve been targeting Asians.
To be clear I am not insinuating Jillian is responsible. But, rhetoric like hers is.
While I lean toward the Chinese gov't not being forthcoming concerning the virus, that in no way trickles down to the common citizen.
at the tail end of a multiple day diatribe showing her ignorance of
communism and socialism. No, not all Chinese are communist.
To be brief, China long ago dumped the core of the communist economic system. They have a vigorous private sector. China is no longer the totalitarian state under Mao Zedong’s rule (1949-1976).
To be brief, China long ago dumped the core of the communist economic system. They have a vigorous private sector. China is no longer the totalitarian state under Mao Zedong’s rule (1949-1976).
What Jillian is referring to, the Georgia Guidestones which she now considers a communist agenda.
Remember Jillian was a huge fan of the Guidestones. (Since removed) and she still speaks to culling the population with Jilly Juice being the mediator.
If she doesn't believe the Bill Gates BS why bring it up?
don't know what is scarier, Jillian's initial OP or comments.
This later becomes a stand alone post, but it is worth noting the original context.
Seriously, she sounds like a sick energy vampire, as portrayed in the 1985 British science fiction horror film Lifeforce (based on Colin Wilson's 1976 novel The Space Vampires).When you get healed and sealed with JILLY JUICE if you want to upgrade your body just walk around in the hospital or get a vaccine or take an inhalant of bacteria or vaccines and upgrade your bodyYou're absorbing the data from people who are decomposing before they actually die so you're taking their energy
KVR thinks it is a most profound statement. Which leads to this posting with subsequent addition.
Computer analogy aside for the moment, I would be curious as to when an individual is considered "healed and sealed." Jillian herself doesn't fully claim to be "healed and sealed," although she does flip-flop on that point.
Basically - if you don't get sick, Jilly Juice worked. If you do get sick and "survive" Jilly Juice worked. So no matter the outcome Jilly Juice worked,,, you see the problem?
Seriously though, if you don't have business in a hospital, you should not be walking the halls like some freakish vampire.
that the Jilly Juice will allow people to adapt to the virus, a claim
she repeats in her January 24 video (to follow). We are not
not going to speculate on conspiracies as to the origin of COVID-19.
It's doesn't matter, it's
here and it is causing devastation world wide.
While this article is after the fact in regards to Jillian's post, it bears noting here as Jillian has not changed her rhetoric nor has she removed any false information she panders. Also the information provided within is too important not to pass along.
Two points,
1] Ironically, if we are successful and avoid a worst-case scenario, like Hong Kong and some other locations have, then the uninformed cynics will say that it was all hype and panic. Don’t believe them. Don’t believe the talking heads saying that it is not that bad, that you should still go out and keep up your economic activity. Rather, we should be seriously preparing for social isolation for several weeks at least. This is likely beyond the experience of most Westerners living today, and it may be challenging, but I think we’re up to it if we ignore the naysayers. Listen to the experts instead.
2] This may be “yeah, duh” news for most people reading this, but it is important to note that scientists have studied the novel Coronavirus specifically to determine its origin. A recent study concludes that it was definitely not engineered. It is a naturally-occurring virus, meaning that it evolved outside of the lab, and was not created in any way. The authors write:
SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh coronavirus known to infect humans; SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 can cause severe disease, whereas HKU1, NL63, OC43 and 229E are associated with mild symptoms6. Here we review what can be deduced about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 from comparative analysis of genomic data. We offer a perspective on the notable features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and discuss scenarios by which they could have arisen. Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.This is important factual information for countering all the conspiracy theories out there. Of course it will not sway the conspiracy theorists themselves, they are immune to facts (that is the core nature of conspiracy thinking). They will dismiss this news as part of the conspiracy. But for those who still respect facts, this is reassuring. It is also good information for those who heard about the conspiracies and are curious, but able to be persuaded by information.
While I have always believed this to be the case based on what little I understood at the beginning, as Novella notes. "But for those who still respect facts, this is reassuring"
No Jillian, there is but one problem,,, your own source states that it is the virus that adapts.
adapt to their hosts by evading defense mechanisms and taking
over cellular metabolism for their own benefit. Alterations in
cell metabolism as well as side-effects of antiviral responses
contribute to symptoms development and virulence. Sometimes, a virus
may spill over from its usual host species into a novel one, where
usually will fail to successfully infect and further transmit to new
host. However, in some cases, the virus transmits and persists after
fixing beneficial mutations that allow for a better exploitation of
the new host. This situation would represent a case for a new
emerging virus.
There is much to unpack in this screed. Jillian
contends she is not fear mongering or part of the con-nutter world.
Within a minute she brings up bio-warfare - not going there. (And yes I am well aware that bio-warfare does exist. That is not what she is referring to.)
not understand herd immunity or how it works. In fact she is so wrong
she isn't in the same ballpark.
the thing about herd immunity. One
person could get the vaccine, be that new environment that is
exposing itself to another environment then everyone adapts.
WebMD puts it,
lots of people in an area are vaccinated, fewer people get
sick. Then fewer germs are around to spread from person to person.”
put, herd immunity is
a form of immunity that
occurs when the vaccination of a significant portion of
a population (or herd)
provides a measure
of protection for individuals who have not developed immunity.
such thing as de-evolution.
you are on Jilly Juice and are exposed to a virus, it is actually
going to evolve
does not occur on an individual level only at a population level. It
is change
in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over
successive generations.
A simple dictionary would have explained that to Jillian.
gonna, relative to what you are focusing on and what's going on in
your world, it is going to actually evolve you to another level of
intellect, awaremess. It's going to strengthen your body.
gets worse,,,
someone is communicable, they are actually giving away the best part
of themselves.
Jillian, they are not giving away their data. We are not computers
that can be upgraded or downgraged. There is no de-population
is bio-warfare and you have to accept that is what is going
notice that when I blow my nose I fart,,, why is that?”
it might just be with all the “waterfalls” you claim, you've
blown out your sphincter muscle,,, ya dumb fuck!!
JJuice and viruses are only going to strengthen you.
Jilly Juice is not going to strengthen you.
It will dehydrate you by causing explosive diarrhea. It will mess
with your electrolytes possibly causing heart issues or worse.
don't upgrade you, they run amok in our bodies causing all sorts of
shit. Sometimes they kill ya.
the Jilly Juice is not “important “– it will do nothing other
than making an individual sicker than they already are.
JJ is not “at its ultimate best and able to compete with the
viruses out there.” JJ isn't even in the same fucking county.
thing to note, the
article referenced was published in 2015.
the emergence of COVIDn-2019, although the importance of
understanding incubation is still very relevant.
no waffling as to what an incubation period is, “The
incubation period of an infectious disease is the time from infection
to onset of disease. Estimation of the incubation period of a novel
pathogen can be vital for prevention and control,,,” It is not
to your predispositions.”
incubation period is thought to be a function of the initial
infective dose, the speed of replication of the pathogen within the
host, and within-host defense mechanisms.1 Few
previous studies have investigated the hypothesis that the incubation
period might be correlated with the severity of disease, although
some studies have examined the correlation between infecting dose and
severity of disease.8,9 Here,
we analyze the association between the length of the incubation
period and the severity of SARS using data from the 2003 outbreak in
Hong Kong.
no mention of what Jillian calls “predispositions.”
the authors did find was “ We
found a shorter incubation period for the fatal cases with a mean of
3.7 days,,, compared with a mean of 4.8 days,,, for the non-fatal
where in the paper does it state that incubation can last up to 10
years, “10
years based upon how strong or WEAK they are.”
fact a quick search will show the longest incubation for any virus is
Hep B&C and HPV (warts) at 50-150 days. AIDS is listed at a
possible 10yrs but that figure is in dispute
explained to me by a scientist friend that works in the virology
Whether or not an infected person is contagious during the incubation period depends on the virus,,, while Ebola falls into this category polio and norovirus are shed during the incubation period – in the feces, where they can infect others.
Whether or not an infected person is contagious during the incubation period depends on the virus,,, while Ebola falls into this category polio and norovirus are shed during the incubation period – in the feces, where they can infect others.
forgot to specifically ask concerning COVID although the
CDC notes,
Can someone spread the virus without being sick?
Can someone spread the virus without being sick?
- People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic (the sickest).
- Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
long story short, this is a means for Jillian to scare her minions
into drinking her slop indefinitely. She offers no resolution,
something has a long or short incubation periods it is relative to
duration and severity from SYMPTOMS are ALSO indicators of strength
and weaknesses.”
entire onus in on the individual sufferer. Not the fact her shit juice
doesn't work.
Here she claims Jilly Juice will protect the population.
health issues, such as COVID-19, are not a partisan political issue.
If you believe they are, you need to re-examine your priorities and
your personal
Even if one is asymptomatic, it is still possible to be communicable.
That is the definition of delusion, "an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is
firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally
accepted as reality or rational argument."
Generally I like to do posts like this month by month but I am already reaching my upper limit on length for one post. Hopefully y'all can see where this is leading. Besides her xenophobic and anti-government twaddle, Jillian is creating her own medical misinformation. She is so wrong she is going to cause serious harm, even if to the 300 or so individuals that follow her.
Up next the remainder of January and (at least part of) February.
Remember folks, Jillian has not had this recipe of slop tested. She has no clue what she is telling people to concoct. Iodized salt is NOT recommended for any type of food preservation!!
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