Thursday, February 17, 2022

TWATs weekending 2/12/2022

 Welcome BACK to TWATs!! It has been a long while since the last episode, like 3 yrs at least!

As I stated Monday, TWATs will be my offering to y'all whilst I rebuild my source material and figure out a topic. While I had already decided to bring TWATs out of hiatus, this incident sealed the deal. Well that and both David Barton and Gordon Klingenschmitt hitting my news feed. Gordon I have been following since late 2000s AND he is a WNY boy; Barton is just an asshole.

From RRW, “Religious-right activist and former Colorado state legislator Gordon Klingenschmitt says that Biden's low poll numbers are due to the fact that people are starting to 'see and properly discern the demonic spirit that is in Biden.'” (See also)

While there is nothing outrageous stated by Klingenschmitt, he is still stuck on the shtick “demonic spirit.” Which has been his “thang” since 2010ish.

This just a bizarre story all around. Hagans has admitted he broke the law; the kicker,

He spoke with the city to ask if he was able to place his flower box by her grave.

The people of the city told me they don’t enforce that unless a family member asked for it to be removed,” said Hagans.

The asshole of the story, Rev. Tom Ford III,. Hannah’s father and a local Baptist preacher at Grace Baptist Church in Montgomery.

Last month, Hagans was arrested for littering after putting the box of flowers on her grave. Hannah’s father, Tom Ford, signed the warrant for his arrest. Hagans says he was never contacted by Ford before he was arrested.

As Hemant notes, grief is a strange bedfellow.

As of writing this script, a trial date has been set for March.


What IS this dude smokin'? I mean seriously! Ice fishing leads to prostitution according to this guys logic. Thankfully, Craig Shubert of Hudson Ohio has resigned from office following controversial comments.

What I found fascinating, according to Raw Story, there's a decades-old urban legend about prostitutes plying their trade in ice shanties along Milles Lac Lake in Minnesota. 


So I became addicted to David Barton's bullshittery about the same time of my interest in Gordie, mid 2000s. May have been sooner, but it came to the fore with the publication The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You've Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson. Barton is a Christian Nationalist and at times referred to as “King of the Theocrats.” Simply put, he is a “liar fer JEEBUS.” Extraordinaire!!

Anyhow, RWW has this to say concerning Barton's claim, “the early American government imposed no taxes on American citizens because the Founding Fathers knew that such taxes were unbiblical.” Barton's overall theme as RWW notes, has been debunk before. Like any apologist he repeats his BS.

Do you know that God talks about what we call the capital gains tax?” Barton said. “The Bible also talks about things like the estate tax, the inheritance tax. It talks about progressive taxes, it talks about flat taxes, it talks about capitation taxes. The Bible has so much on economics.”

It’s interesting,” he continued. “Even as Jesus and Peter were talking and Jesus said, ‘Peter, tell me: who pays taxes? The children or the foreigners?’ Peter said, ‘That’s easy. The children don’t pay taxes, it’s the foreigners that pay taxes.’ See, that’s why in early America, you didn’t tax the citizens. There was no direct taxes. We had to alter the Constitution to be able to tax you directly because we had all the taxes on the foreigners. We had all the tariffs and all the different ways of taxing the things that came from outside, not the inside. Well, that was a tax piece of policy out of the Bible.” (Video here)

Just a note, while RWW does provide a link to the original Barton presentation, I am bypassing such to avoid any issues.

So that brings us to the end of this TWAT episode. I will be updating the intro sometime soon. As a closer I thought I would include some new to me YT content creators I really enjoy and hope you do too.

As Creaky Blinder puts it, he is “the sardonic purveyor of social stupidity.”

Peace out y'all and stay safe.

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