Monday, March 7, 2022

Transcript for Week Ending 3/6/22


Welcome back to TWATs!!

Generally I do not update stories I cover on TWATs, but I am taking a wee bit of a different tack this time around. TBH I am hoping it kick-starts my ass into being more active with my blog – but we shall see.


If y'all remember one story mentioned last week was the Greg Abbott/Ken Paxton affair in Texas. Ordering the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to investigate for “child abuse” anyone aware of certain medical treatments for transgender youth.

Immediately following Abbott's announcement the ACLU of Texas and Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit seeking to block a statewide directive described as an attempt to persecute trans children and their families. According to NPR and BuzzFeed, DFPS is actively involved in at least two cases that fall under the purview of the new directive put forth by Paxton/Abbott.

Within 24 hours, “A Texas judge on Wednesday blocked the state from investigating the parents of a transgender teenager over gender-confirmation treatments, but stopped short of preventing the state from looking into other reports about children receiving similar care.”

What's important to note, “Clark set a March 11 hearing on whether to issue a broader temporary order blocking enforcement of Abbott’s directive.” So we sit and wait!!

See also:: Paxton legal opinion on transgender youth uses misleading citations, 'shocking' parallels

The Texas attorney general's recent legal opinion that called transgender health care for minors "child abuse" cited sources in a misleading way and drew parallels that researchers say simply do not exist, according to an analysis by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.”

Highly recommended read.


So other than my circle of friends, I havent spoken much about Dominionist Theology in a long while. But with Palin and Bachman both becoming more vocal of late, I find myself being drawn back into the foray.

Dont take me wrong, the “new” batch of crazies (eg Kat Kerr) is just as wild as the old but TBH they are not as smart. IOWs the mixing of Q bullshit with the nutfuckery of religion – it just doesnt compute. A good example of the old school crazy is Lance Wallnau who spoke on Flashpoint concerning Dominionist Theology. Although I do not know his stance on Q, I believe he considers those involved as false prophets.

The key point in Mantyla's piece, “The only way to save the nation, Wallnau declared, is for those mountains to be seized by Christians—or, more specifically, Wallnau’s kind of Christians.” That is a point I have made numerous times in the past, are you the “right kind” of Christian? In Wallnau's case, a Christian Nationalist?

Speaking of crazy futnuckers, "If Pelosi and all these people are for Ukraine, duh, you go opposite. That's just common sense."

Enough said!!

And here's a recent all-star and this clip just blows my mind. Politics aside for the moment, this woman is not very smart. “I don’t know Nick Fuentes. I’ve never heard him speak. I’ve never seen a video. I don’t know what his views are, so I’m not aligned with anything that may be controversial.”

Something I learned very early on as a blogger and content creator of 6 years, vet your information. IOWs I know my interview and their platform. Regretfully something I learned the hard way; thankfully with no negative consequences.

What I find odd is this statement, “Excuse me, a minute. I’ll tell you exactly why I went. I went to talk to them about America First Policies and I talked to them about what’s important for our country going forward.”

What MTG seems to forget is the history of such a stance. "America First" was a phrase used by the Ku Klux Klan at its peak. Later in the late 1930s and early 1940s, the term became associated with fascism and bigotry against Jews. Fuentes is a known white supremacist.


So in closing I present Kipp Davis. Now I have been familiar with Kipp's academic type work via the DSS. I was unaware he had a YT channel – enjoy!!

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