Friday, July 29, 2022

A Few More Stories for Week Ending 7/24/22


Radical America First candidate Shekinah Hollingsworth got 8.16% of the vote (549 votes) in a primary election – she fucking lost to her own party. But,,, Trump set the standard for this and now all Republicans are going to do it.
Well I now know why I have seen so many memes concerning the ozone layer. Whether Jr Barton is the “cause” I don't know that for a fact.

What he states is so asinine “warnings about acid rain and a hole in the ozone layer” and “climate change hoax and narrative,” I have no words.

To borrow a comment from WildwoodClaire1,”Timmy makes the false assumption that if a notoriously short attention span media is not talking about a problem, it must not exist. Nor has it occurred to him that the problems he mentioned were to some degree successfully addressed.”

This story is so important and not for the most obvious of reasons. Hemant sums it up well.

Later in the meeting, the board discussed the issue and it became clear some of the members just hadn’t considered the implications of that statement:


Another board member suggested a simpler statement that focused on “disruptive” clothing rather than listing out specific examples.

The end result of their discussion? The board agreed to have the administration rework the dress code. A modified version will be discussed at an upcoming retreat in two weeks just before the start of the new school year.

Which means a Satanist spoke out against religious discrimination that almost certainly existed due to pro-Christian bias. Then, within a matter of hours, the change she sought was put into action. 

Alisabeth Janai Lancaster, who is running for a spot on the Santa Rosa County School Board in Florida argued in a public meeting that doctors who provide care for transgender children “should be hanging from the nearest tree.” Yet another political wannabe withmalformed information.

See Alejandra Caraballo for an interesting thread

One question, make that two, I do have for Ms Lancaster, exactly where in the Bible is the hanging of doctors promoted? And what sect of Christianity promotes such?

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