Tuesday, July 22, 2014

LiveLeak.com - Child Coercion at Memphis area church camp

This concerns the debacle surrounding the Rose of Sharon indoctrination video posted previously. There is a concerted effort on the part of the religionist to remove any evidence of this incident:
The next thing we knew, the legal threats started coming in,,, claiming everything from copyright violations to slander and defamation to child exploitation,,,[b]ecause we don’t have the time and money for lawyers, and because we have spent a lot of time and money over the last year building a page of over 100,000 fans for our Biblical literacy project – well, we caved. We are not proud to admit it, but we let the bullies win and removed the post. Within minutes, we were inundated with questions from fans, “What happened to the post? All of the shares disappeared too!”

One of those fans had the guts to set up a new page of their own, Stop Religious Child Abuse and shared the content there from the LiveLeak video and one of the image sites. So, we graciously linked to their post instead for a few hours. I say a ‘few hours’ because that is all it took for the content to be removed by Facebook’s (what I presume to be automated) system due to multiple reports of being “offensive”. (The irony of those who originally created and publicly shared the “offensive” content now reporting it was “offensive” was not lost on me.) Again, all of the public shares and re-shares were gone forever, fans growing weary of sharing the same content over and over again. Bullies win again.
This is the so-called religious freedom, the Reich hides behind. It is "Jesus Camp" part two!!
The time has come. One of the fans over at Awkward Moments Children's Bible put together the following list of major media outlets in Memphis area. (The Rose of Sharon Church & Camp are in Burlison, just north of the city.)

As the church continues to force the removal of shares, re-posts and mirrors of content (and local authorities appear to be non-responsive) the only way this story won’t disappear forever is if we stand together and politely ask the local media to seriously consider reporting on a story that has gone viral (and silenced) online many times in the last week.

VIDEO: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=468_1405628081
PHOTO: http://bit.ly/1qPY2Ov
(Please, use your own words.)

If you are personally concerned for the well being of the children shown in the content shared by counselors from last week’s camp, please consider speaking up on their behalf.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Memphis Action 5 News (NBC)
Report: desk@wmctv.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ActionNews5

WREG News - Channel - (CBS)
Report: http://wreg.com/contact/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wreg3

Fox13 Memphis (FOX)
Report: news@myfoxmemphis.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fox13news.myfoxmemphis

Local Memphis (ABC/CW)
Report: newsdesk@localmemphis.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LocalMemphis

LiveLeak.com - Child Coercion at Memphis area church camp

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