Monday, July 21, 2014

This Is What Religious Indoctrination Looks Like, Courtesy of a Christian Summer Camp

In a previous post, I referenced the documentary Jesus Camp.  Although I do not believe there is a "direct" affiliation, the similarities are there.  For example, both "Kids On Fire School of Ministry" (since closed) and the Rose of Sharon Camp come out of or are influenced by the Pentecostal and the Charismatic movement.  Daily structure for activities and indoctrination are also almost identical.

What I find very creepy from a personal standpoint, minus the "spiritual gifts" emphasis, they are both similar to the Christian camp organization I was once affiliated with.  And that realization has just freaked me the fuck out,,,eeew!!

(A we side note:  I was raised in the Lutheran church - Missouri Synod, ie Catholic wannabees.  I am as close to a PK as one can get without actually being one as both my parental units have held the office of church president multiple times.  That alone placed me on a higher pedestal amongst my peers as my conduct "had to be" impeccable.  Trust me it wasn't!

I left the Lutheran church at 20 and was involved in the Charismatic movement for another 7 years before beginning my "de-conversion" that began with doctrinal issues but eventually evolved into more than "just" non-believe.)

What is so troublesome, especially considering my former role in such matters,
This is just manipulation by the adults. It’s not like speaking in tongues is a special God-given gift. It’s a trick that must be taught. I know atheists who once believed they could do it — and if they get themselves in the right mental state, they can start speaking in tongues again. It’s a neat little parlor trick with them.

But with these kids, it’s flat-out disturbing. It’s not like they know what they’re doing; they’re just being pressured into going along with the crowd.
It is for this reason I am so anti-hereditary religious indoctrination.

This Is What Religious Indoctrination Looks Like, Courtesy of a Christian Summer Camp

See also: 

 VIDEO – Child Coercion or Religious Freedom?
  • A thorough breakdown of what has transpired concerning this horrid video went public,. The who, what, where, why, when ans how of it,,,  
Stop Religious Child Abuse
  • A Facebook group created in response to the debacle mention above."We are here to use the power of social media to bring light to the most extreme religious traditions and practices that cause harm - especially to kids."

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