Monday, July 21, 2014

Mom, Grandparents, Nearly Starved Boy To Death: Cops

"The most important medicine used to treat him at the hospital was food. He was within a month of having a major cardiac event that he probably would not have recovered from," said Dr. Jennifer Wolford of UPMC Children's Hospital Child Advocacy Center.

"It is impossible to me that this severe neglect and active abuse was not visible. He was being starved in his own home around others of normal weight," she stated.

The boy's two sisters, ages 4 and 11, appeared healthy, while a 9-year-old brother was underweight but not as severely as the 7-year-old.

According to police, Rader decided to homeschool the 7-year-old last year, and he was not allowed outside the house except to the back porch, where he would sometimes eat the bugs he caught. He was fed small amounts of tuna and eggs and suffered beatings with a belt - particularly when he sneaked food, usually peanut butter and bread, police said.

He was forced to take ice-cold showers as punishment - the only showers he was allowed - and had two abscessed teeth that had to be removed, police said.

Mom, Grandparents, Nearly Starved Boy To Death: Cops

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