Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pat Robertson tells mother: Your son’s stomach pains are caused by a witch ancestor

Pat Robertson is not normal,,,

Instead of recommending that the mother seek medical attention, Robertson said that the boy could be “oppressed or possessed by demons.”

“You need to get somebody with you who understands the spiritual dimension and doing spiritual warfare,” he continued. “If I were you, I would look back in your family. What in your family — do you have anybody involved in the occult, somebody in witchcraft or tarot cards or psychic things?”

“Has there something been there that you don’t know about. Some grandparent, great grandparent or something. Look into the family tree, and then get some people in there and cast this stuff out. But that does not sound like normal.”

Pat Robertson tells mother: Your son’s stomach pains are caused by a witch ancestor

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